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Loaded to Dive

Loaded to Dive

WHOI electronics technician Casey Agee helped load a set of isobaric gas-tight samplers (IGTs) onto a platform in the front of the remotely operated vehicle Jason during a 2014 expedition to the East Pacific Rise.…

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From the Archives

From the Archives

In 1968, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution announced the creation of a joint program for graduate studies in oceanography. Today, the marriage is still…

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Listen In

Listen In

The WHOI dock not only provides a place for research vessels to tie up, it also offers Institution scientists and engineers ready access to the water as they develop new…

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Robotic Point of View

Robotic Point of View

WHOI scientist Yogesh Girdhar is working to endow underwater robots with an ability that is particularly human: curiosity. Specifically, he is writing algorithms that will allow robots to distinguish interesting…

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From the Archives

From the Archives

William Stelling Von Arx (1916-1999), shown here working with a wide-angle cloud camera and lens, first came to WHOI in 1945. He is known for his work in physical oceanography…

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Beach Day

Beach Day

In 2013, WHOI chemist Ken Buesseler went to Japan, where he collected samples of groundwater and beach sands as part of his and chemist Matt Charette’s work tracking the spread…

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All Battened Down

All Battened Down

Lines on Knorr were doubled Monday in advance of a blizzard moving up the East Coast forecast to bring hurricane-strength gusts and near-record amounts of snowfall. WHOI port engineer Dutch Wegman…

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Storm Library

Storm Library

WHOI guest student Margaret DiGiorno returns a core sample from Blackmore Pond in Wareham, Mass., to its place in a refrigerated storage unit. DiGiorno, an undergraduate student from Northeastern University,…

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Under the Ice

Under the Ice

WHOI engineer Loral O’Hara installs a new shroud over one of the maneuvering thrusters on the Nereid Under Ice (NUI) remotely operated vehicle. NUI is connected to pilots aboard a…

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From the Archives

From the Archives

WHOI researchers Fritz Fuglister, left, and Dana Densmore inspect a bathythermograph, or BT, prior to a research cruise in 1957. BTs measure temperature and depth while being dropped from or…

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Summer Science

Summer Science

In the depths of winter, it’s nice to remember when undergraduates from around the world come to Woods Hole for a summer of science by the sea. Students learn about…

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From the Archives

From the Archives

Until the early 1980s, the 105-foot catamaran Lulu served as the support vessel for the deep submergence vehicle Alvin. Here, engineers use a pedestal crane on the WHOI pier to conduct…

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Hole in One

Hole in One

WHOI geologist Jeff Donnelly and research assistant Richard Sullivan recently joined Texas A&M University at Galveston (TAMUG) geologist Pete van Hengstum and undergraduate student Tyler Winkler in collecting cores from Thatchpoint Bluehole. It…

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Northern Lights

Northern Lights

Work went on round-the-clock in the winter of 2011 during a 43-day cruise to the Chukchi, Beaufort, and Bering Seas. Bad weather, frigid temperatures, and nearly perpetual darkness can make moods…

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Iceberg Station

Iceberg Station

WHOI engineer Brian Guest took this photo of icebergs at at Rothera Station, Antarctica in the summer of 2014. Guest was part of a team of scientists and technicians on…

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Iselin at the Helm

Iselin at the Helm

Columbus O’Donnell Iselin served as WHOI’s second director from 1940 to 1950 and following founding director Henry Bigelow. Iselin was Bigelow’s student at Harvard and originally came to WHOI at the…

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A Device Named SID

A Device Named SID

In November 2014, researchers used Alvin to position and test a deep-sea instrument called Vent-SID for the first time at a hydrothermal vent site on the East Pacific Rise. It was the latest…

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From the Archives

From the Archives

Early in his career, Harold “Doc” Edgerton (shown here working on the WHOI dock in 1959), built underwater cameras for famed marine explorer Jacques-Yves Cousteau. Operating cameras in murky ocean…

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Vehicle Inspection

Vehicle Inspection

WHOI engineer Amy Kukulya watched recently as she and her colleagues from the Oceanographic Systems Lab took a specialized Hull Inspection Vehicle for a test run off the WHOI dock…

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Underside Peek

Underside Peek

This global surface mooring was deployed in September 2014 in the Irminger Sea as part of the Global Arrays component of the NSF-funded Ocean Observatories Initiative. The mooring is designed…

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A Touch of Ocean Life

A Touch of Ocean Life

WHOI post-docs Liz Harvey and Tristan Horner got up close with a giant green anemone (A. xanthogrammica) at the Seattle Aquarium, when they participated in an NSF-sponsored National Network for Ocean and…

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Growing Crystals

Growing Crystals

Tom DeCarlo conducts experiments in the laboratory of WHOI geologist Glenn Gaetani to precipitate aragonite, the mineral that corals use to build their skeletons and construct coral reefs. DeCarlo, a…

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Annual Gathering

Annual Gathering

A group of WHOI Summer Student Fellows gathered for a photo during the 2014 American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting held in San Francisco in December. Each of the students presented a…

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