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Together By TREET

Together By TREET

As part of the TREET (Transforming Remotely Conducted Research Through Ethnography, Education & Rapidly Evolving Technologies) program, senior scientist Chris German and recent Harvard graduate, Alexandra Stote, connected with a classroom at Duke…

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Testing the Waters

Testing the Waters

Scientists and crew led by WHOI oceanographer Robert Pickart traveled to the Beaufort Sea in 2011 aboard the U.S. Coast Guard ice breaker Healy. They were carrying out part of a five-year study to assess the state…

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Signs of the Past

Signs of the Past

A REMUS 100 autonomous underwater vehicle dove through the clear, blue waters of the Mediterranean in September 2011 on a mission to find and survey Bronze Age shipwrecks off the coast of…

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Raise a Cup

Raise a Cup

Admiral Jonathan Greenert, Chief of Naval Operations, visited WHOI Nov. 6 for face-to-face discussions with scientists and engineers conducting research and building technology with potential to enhance Naval capabilities and…

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Trapped Oil

Trapped Oil

Some 200 million gallons of oil flowed into the Gulf of Mexico from the damaged Macondo well during the Deepwater Horizon disaster in 2010, but scientists estimate that half of…

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Operation Free Turtle

Operation Free Turtle

People who come across sea turtles or other marine animals in distress should immediately contact a local disentanglement hotline. But what happens if you are hundreds of miles from a…

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From the Archives

From the Archives

When this hull was first laid on August 9, 1967, it was the fifteenth Auxuliary General-purpose Oceanographic Research ship proposed by the U.S. Navy and so bore the unassuming name…

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Under the Hood

Under the Hood

Jason gets a checkup from assistant engineer Korey Verhein during one of the vehicle’s rare appearance in Woods Hole this fall. The remotely operated vehicle and its partner, Medea have been used…

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Listening In

Listening In

MIT-WHOI Joint Program graduate Max Kaplan positions a DMON acoustic recording device on Helen Reef, the southernmost island of Palau, in the far western Pacific. The DMON records sounds produced…

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A Dock Away From Home

A Dock Away From Home

Former WHOI engineer Greg Packard inspects a docking station designed and built by Hydroid, Inc. for the autonomous underwater vehicle REMUS. Two of these stations will be deployed to the…

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The Sea’s Bounty

The Sea's Bounty

A collection of copepods fills a specimen dish to be identified and counted. Scientists on board the research vessel Ka’imikai-o-Kanaloa collected the sample off the northeast coast of Japan in June 2011…

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Piece of the Deep

Piece of the Deep

WHOI marine chemist Frieder Klein identifies a piece of a hydrothermal vent chimney collected from the Piccard vent field on the Mid-Cayman Rise by the remotely operated vehicle Jason during the Oases 2012 cruise. MIT/WHOI Joint Program student…

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Knorr’s Final Mission

Knorr's Final Mission

The R/V Knorr waits at home port in mid-October before departing on its final mission. After heading to the Mid-Atlantic Bight to support an installation of the Pioneer Array (one…

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From the Archives

From the Archives

This 1967 photo shows the research submersible Alvin in the water with two support swimmers, as crew watch from Lulu, the sub’s first tender ship. WHOI still operates the U.S. Navy-owned Deep Submergence…

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Ready for Download

Ready for Download

In 2003, scientists traveled to the Beaufort Sea to collect instruments, called moored profilers, that had spent the previous year at least a mile under Arctic ice gathering data about ocean currents. As…

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Bird’s Eye View

Bird's Eye View

This aerial photo of Woods Hole village shows the two large WHOI-operated research vessels, Atlantis, left, and Knorr, right, at the WHOI dock overlooking Great Harbor. Many improvements have been…

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High Wire Act

High Wire Act

Steve Faluotico of WHOI’s Applied Ocean Physics and Engineering Department cleans a sensor on the meteorological mast on R/V Knorr during the September 2012 SPURS cruise to study how salt content fluctuates in the ocean’s upper layers…

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Ocean in Miniature

Ocean in Miniature

WHOI engineer Bob Tavares headed up to the roof of the Clark South building recently to check on an Argo SOLO-I float deployed in the 10-meter test well. The Argo network consists…

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Halo Below

Halo Below

A fog bow, caused by light refracted through small water droplets in fog, arcs below the Air-Sea Interaction Tower in Martha’s Vineyard Sound. The tower, a part of the Martha’s Vineyard…

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Hunt for Life

Hunt for Life

Postdoctoral investigator Maria Pachiadaki (left) and Shipboard Scientific Services Group(SSSG) technician Allison Heater deploy Deep-SID, a robotic biology laboratory designed for the deep ocean. The instrument collects water samples and mixes…

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Tioga at Ten

Tioga at Ten

WHOI’s coastal research vessel, R/V Tioga, gets some attention in port from crew member Ian Hanley (left) and Captain Ken Houtler. Equipped with water samplers, a current profiler, an echo-sounder,…

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Up From the Depths

Up From the Depths

WHOI-MIT graduate student Santiago Herrera examines a group of amphipods recovered from the Kermadec Trench in the spring of this year. Herrera and a team led by WHOI biologist Tim…

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Reef Ray

Reef Ray

A manta ray glides over a coral reef on Jarvis Island in the Central Equatorial Pacific. A team including MIT-WHOI Joint Program students Liz Drenkard and Alice Alpert, from WHOI…

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In His Element

In His Element

WHOI senior research specialist Jim Broda stands on deck of R/V Knorr in front of the Long Core system’s main winch just prior to Knorr‘s departure from WHOI on its…

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