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All Hands

All Hands

Technicians aboard the research vessel Melville deploy a wire-following profiler as part of a Global Hybrid Profiler Mooring at Station Papa in the Northeast Pacific Ocean. The Station Papa installation is a key step in the Ocean Observatories Initiative,…

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Love That Dirty Water

Love That Dirty Water

Meltwater carrying finely ground glacial till is visible from the air as researchers prepare to deploy instruments into a West Greeenland fjord by helicopter. WHOI physical oceanographer Fiamma Straneo led a team…

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Baffled by the Bloom

Baffled by the Bloom

Scientists and students on board the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Healy gather around a computer to learn how to to guide a conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) package to the seafloor and back. …

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Plankton Under Ice

Plankton Under Ice

In May and June 2014, a cruise co-led by WHOI scientist Bob Pickart aboard the U.S. Coast Guard icebreaker Healy went to the Arctic to study large phytoplankton blooms forming…

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Plankton Pump

Plankton Pump

Amy Maas, a postdoc in the labs of WHOI biologists Gareth Lawson and Ann Tarrant, joined fellow postdoc Mike Lowe in testing a plankton pump aboard the R/V Tioga in…

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To Sea Once More

To Sea Once More

The research vessel Knorr left Woods Hole on Sunday for the final cruise of its career at WHOI. Since 1970, Knorr has traveled more than one million miles in support of research on…

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Slow and Low

Slow and Low

A helicopter flies back from the edge of Sarqardliup Glacier in West Greenland, where glacialogist Sarah Das and physical oceanographer Fiamma Straneo are studying rates of submarine melting and surface…

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High Seas Shanty

High Seas Shanty

What would sailors do without a sea shantey or two? 3rd Assistant Engineer Vasile Tudoran entertained the science party and crew aboard the R/V Knorr with Romanian folk songs on Day…

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WHOI Goes to Washington

WHOI Goes to Washington

David Gallo, Director of Special Projects at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, addressed members of the U.S. House of Representatives at a reception to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the HOV…

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Spring Catch

Spring Catch

Under the microscope are two female copepods of different species, caught on a spring 2014 cruise in the Chukchi Sea. The cruise, aboard the USCG icebreaker Healy, aimed to study…

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How the Clam Garden Grows

How the Clam Garden Grows

In October 2013, Woods Hole Sea Grant–Cape Cod Cooperative Extension Agent Joshua Reitsma (left) and a shellfish grower examined the growth of “blood arks” (Anadara ovalis), on Cape Cod, Mass.…

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Squid Nursery

Squid Nursery

The ocean is absorbing rising levels of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and becoming more acidic. How will that affect squid, a key animal in the marine food web? WHOI…

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Newsworthy Research

Newsworthy Research

WHOI research associate Crystal Breier (second from left) showed a group of 2014 Ocean Science Journalism fellows the gamma well detector used to process samples of seawater for signs of…

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Smooth Sailing

Smooth Sailing

Sunny skies and calm seas eased R/V Knorr’s transit through the 60-mile-long Prince Christian Sound during a cruise to sample currents off the coast of Greenland this summer. The sound is…

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Rainbow in the Morning, Gives Fair Warning

Rainbow in the Morning, Gives Fair Warning

A morning rainbow appeared behind the research vessel Knorr’s stack during a 2013 expedition known as the DeepDOM cruise. An interdisciplinary team of scientists onboard studied the composition of dissolved organic…

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Navigating a Sea of Sound

Navigating a Sea of Sound

The ocean is an increasingly noisy place. Sounds from shipping, oil and gas exploration, and other human activities are making it more difficult for marine mammals to hear. “Hearing is…

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Golden Opportunity

Golden Opportunity

Onlookers on shore and at sea enjoyed a clear view of the Golden Gate Bridge during a recent R/V Atlantis transit. WHOI ships often make port calls in major cities,…

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Breaking Ice for Answers

Breaking Ice for Answers

The U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Healy pushes through sea ice in the Chukchi Sea during the Arctic Spring Cruise in May of 2014. Polar icebreakers are an important component to…

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Twilight’s Last Gleaming

Twilight's Last Gleaming

A researcher takes a break to take in the sunset between CTD casts aboard the R/V Knorr this summer. Such casts, together with mooring deployments and RAFOS float launches, were a…

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An Outpouring of Support

An Outpouring of Support

Members of the O-SNAP research cruise take the “ice bucket challenge” to raise money for ALS research aboard the R/V Knorr in late August. Unlike the thousands of celebrities and…

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Picking up the Slack

Picking up the Slack

University of Washington undergraduate student Robert Joseph Daniels helps secure a just-recovered CTD rosette aboard R/V Knorr at sunset off the coast of Greenland this summer. Daniels was a part…

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Student Life

Student Life

Tailgating on the beach? Surfers awaiting the perfect wave? It was a little bit of both for students taking a Field Methods and Coastal Oceanography course, offered through WHOI’s Academic…

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One of a Kind

One of a Kind

The country’s newest ice-capable research ship, R/V Sikuliaq, was a popular attraction during a month-long port stop in Woods Hole this summer. Visitors included U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), and…

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Drill Here

Drill Here

MIT-WHOI Joint Program graduate student Hannah Barkley (right) points WHOI diver Pat Lohmann to a Porites coral for coring. The core, a biopsy of the coral’s skeleton, contains valuable information…

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