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Squid Under Stress?

Squid Under Stress?

Squid are at the heart of the ocean food web. Many other animals depend on squid for sustenance, including fish, whales, walruses, seabirds, and people. The squid fishery in California…

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A Brilliant Run

A Brilliant Run

Scientists and crew gather on the bridge of the R/V Knorr as the ship passes through Prince Christian Sound, a channel through southern Greenland that connects the Labrador Sea with…

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Shirts off for Science

Shirts off for Science

On a hot day in late August, WHOI scientist Peter Traykovski and engineer Kevin Manganini prepare the autonomous surface vehicle (ASV) JetYak for a survey off the coast of Martha’s…

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House Call

House Call

MIT-WHOI Joint Program student Bennett Spencer Lambert helps install a FlowCytobot at the Martha’s Vineyard Coastal Observatory as a school of fish passes by. The instrument uses a laser to…

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Future Ocean Explorers

Future Ocean Explorers

WHOI’s 2014 Summer Student Fellows prepare to head out on the R/V Tioga for some hands-on oceanography in Buzzards Bay this summer. Now in its 55th year, this 10-to-12-week undergraduate…

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The Science of Poetry

The Science of Poetry

MIT-WHOI Joint Program students Sarah Rosengard and Casey Zakroff made three visits to the classroom of Ms. Cathy Riebesehl’s 4th grade class at Mullen Hall Elementary School in Falmouth, presenting…

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Where Air and Sea Meet

Where Air and Sea Meet

A diver works under the Air-Sea Interaction Tower, part of the Martha’s Vineyard Coastal Observatory, while R/V Tioga waits a short distance away. Installed three kilometers offshore, the tower stands in…

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Human Help

Human Help

Engineer Kevin Manganini escorts an autonomous surface vehicle (ASV) JetYak through the waters off Chappaquidick, which became its own island in 2007 after a storm created an inlet that separated…

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School’s In

School's In

Brian Guest, a senior engineering assistant at WHOI, dipped his fisheye lens (fittingly) off the WHOI dock to capture this image of juvenile Atlantic menhaden schooling in late September waters.…

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Cable Guy

Cable Guy

MIT-WHOI Joint Program student Bennett Spencer Lambert attaches a power and data cable that connects instruments on the Martha’s Vineyard Coastal Observatory with the scientists on the mainland. Instruments at…

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Deep Diver

Deep Diver

WHOI research specialist Mark Dennett (right) helps guide a REMUS 6000 autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) into Great Harbor in Woods Hole for testing in July. Dennett and a team from…

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Ocean Health

Ocean Health

WHOI chemist Mak Saito, left, and researcher Matt McIlvin show off mass spectrometers that are key instruments in their efforts to apply an emerging biomedical technique—proteomics—to learn about the ocean.…

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Pass the Oysters

Pass the Oysters

Woods Hole Sea Grant/Cape Cod Cooperative Extension Agents Joshua Reitsma and Abigail Archer help distribute bags of shell that contain oyster seed, also known as spat, to towns for municipal…

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Summer Visitor

Summer Visitor

Like many on Cape Cod, WHOI has its share of summer visitors. This August, the Institution played host to the newly built ice-capabale research vessel Sikuliaq. The NSF-funded ship was…

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QuadPod: Underwater Detective

QuadPod: Underwater Detective

Peter Traykovski and Jay Sisson take a moment to pose with a “QuadPod” on the WHOI dock before deploying it off the south side of Martha’s Vineyard. For the next…

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Deep-sea Iron Man

Deep-sea Iron Man

An expedition near Crete is using this high-tech Exosuit to search a famous shipwreck once visited by Jacques Cousteau. Its design allows divers to make longer, deeper and longer trips…

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Local Lessons, Global Impacts

Local Lessons, Global Impacts

WHOI scientists (left to right) Glen Gawarkiewicz, Scott Doney, Jeff Donnelly and Dan McCorkle are partnering with local groups to help improve the ability of the general public make informed decisions about climate…

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Ocean Snapshot

Ocean Snapshot

A group gathered on the stern of R/V Chain during a thermistor chain deployment in 1958. Although this sensor array is often called a “chain,” it is actually a flexible…

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A Moment to Celebrate

A Moment to Celebrate

U.S. Senator Edward Markey, D-Mass., (back row, center) wishes the submersible Alvin a happy 50th birthday while holding a t-shirt commemorating the occasion during a recent visit to WHOI. Markey…

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Real-time for the First Time

Real-time for the First Time

Before the advent of computers, researchers had to sift through data by hand. In 1962, scientist Carl Bowin installed the first computer on a WHOI ship, an IBM “1620” to analyze…

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Seen in Woods Hole

Seen in Woods Hole

Student artwork celebrating Alvin’s 50th year decorated a utility pole in Woods Hole this summer. From 2011 to early 2014, a dedicated group of people worked to completely rebuild the…

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Going With the Flow

Going With the Flow

RAFOS floats await deployment to the Iceland Sea aboard the R/V Hakon Mosby, operated by the Institute for Marine Research (IMR) in Bergen, Norway. This July, WHOI’s Marieke Femke de Jong and…

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In the Shadow of the Winch

In the Shadow of the Winch

Research asssociate Carolina Nobre snapped this shot from the bridge of R/V Knorr during one of three O-SNAP cruises to the North Atlantic this summer. The Overturning in the Subpolar…

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