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Piecing together the past

Piecing together the past

January 29, 2010

Deep-sea archaeologist Brendan Foley and Matt Grund, of the Applied Ocean Physics & Engineering department, ready a SeaBED Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) for testing off the R/V Tioga in 2005. Foley began working with archaeologists from the Hellenic Ministry of Culture in Greece in 2005, exploring shipwrecks — ranging from 700 B.C to 400 A.D. — located near the islands of Chios and Oinousses in the eastern Aegean. The research team utilized a SeaBED vehicle to survey and systematically photograph some of the shipwrecks. Then they pieced together the photos to compose detailed photomosaics. Read more about their work in Oceanus magazine.

(Photo by Ann Stone, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

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