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Underway Again

Underway Again

August 1, 2014

On July 6, 2014, with the ganplank stowed, third mate Josh Woodrow (left) and able-bodied seaman Paul St. Onge, closed the bulwarks on R/V Knorr, as University of Miami mooring technician Mark Graham (far right) looked on. Knorr was leaving Reykjavik, Iceland, for an OSNAP (Overturning in the Sub-polar North Atlantic Program) deployment cruise co-led by WHOI scientist Amy Bower. OSNAP will use sound source moorings, RAFOS floats, and moorings to monitor water properties between Labrador and Scotland to study complex currents and circulation in this part of the ocean. Bower’s cruise blog can be read here.(Photo by Heather Furey, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

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