
Julien Bonnel grew up in Paris, France. After 20 years in the City of Light, he went to Grenoble, a mid-sized city in the heart of the French Alps. The official reason was to obtain an electrical engineering graduate degree. The truth also includes the wish to learn snowboarding. 

Bonnel earned his Ph.D. in signal processing at Grenoble Institute of Technology in 2010. He also developed decent snowboarding skills, as well as a strong taste for ocean acoustics—a topic he discovered during his Ph.D studies. Continuing in ocean acoustics required that he stop playing with the snow, and Bonnel moved to Brest, a small city on the French Atlantic coast. There he joined the faculty at ENSTA Bretagne in 2010, where he led the passive acoustics research group.

Bonnel’s next move was tricky. Consistency dictated a city smaller than Brest and a research institute focused on the ocean. And thus, in 2017, he ended up in Woods Hole, Mass. (population 781), and home of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, where he is now an associate scientist and a member of the Ocean Acoustics and Signal Laboratory. His research in signal processing and underwater acoustics includes time-frequency analysis, source detection/localization, geoacoustic inversion, acoustical tomography, passive acoustic monitoring, and bioacoustics.