
Lee Roscoe’s last great accomplishment was catching the salmon in the photo at right.
She prefers hanging out with hawks and kitties to hard work but can be often read in the pages of  Cape Cod Magazine, The Barnstable Patriot, Sierra, Natural History (where she covered WHOI scientist Mary Carman’s work with alien vomit), Massachusetts Wildlife, and other publications. She is a highly unproduced playwright with seven smashingly relevant full-lengths praised by infamous peers; her last piece done at the Living Theatre precipitated (coincidentally) the closing of that revered icon. The last time she was engaged in a long-term relationship was under the falling of the meteor showers of the Leonids. She has been known to act professionally (in theater), and her widely copied pioneer designs for modular clothing are archived at the Fashion Institute of Technology. Born in New England, one progressive school taught her how to self-educate, an addiction she has borne for life. She is also a bona fide former New Yorker who loves a good fight for a good cause. And she used to teach environmental education to munchkins of niblet age.