Susan K. Avery, PhD

Message from Chairman of the Board Newt Merrill

I’m writing to advise you that Susan Avery has informed me of her desire to step down as our President and Director coincident with the end of her current contract on June 30, 2015.  Susan’s reasoning, with which I concur, is that it will necessarily take several years to fully implement the recommendations that result from the blueprint planning process, and that it will benefit the Institution to have new leadership in place soon in order for her successor to have a voice in the blueprint and to help shape its outcome. 

Susan believes strongly, as do I, that given the importance of developing a cohesive plan for the Institution’s sustainable future, the need to ensure that her successor is fully vested in the blueprint outweighs Susan’s own desire to see the process through to completion, as she had intended before the delay caused by the need to resolve the unrestricted budget deficit.

The Executive Committee and I have asked, however, and Susan has agreed, that she remain available for up to one year past the end of her contract date, on a consultancy or casual employee basis, to assist in the transition and to provide the necessary overlap to enable a smooth handoff of leadership duties.  Additionally, in accordance with past practice, it is the intention of the Executive Committee to recommend that the Board appoint Susan as President Emeritus and elect her as a Member of the Corporation.

The Board will work quickly to form the committee that will direct the national search for Susan’s successor.  As was the case seven years ago, that committee will be comprised of both trustees and representative members of the senior scientific and technical staffs.  Soon after forming, the committee will reach out to the entire WHOI community with opportunities to provide input into the search process, including suggestions for the desired characteristics of candidates.

As the date for Susan’s departure nears, we will plan a WHOI community celebration to thank her for her years of service.  In the meantime, let us all continue to work with Susan and with each other to lay the groundwork for WHOI’s future.

Newton P.S. Merrill
Chairman of the Board


Originally published: November 4, 2014