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Rocky Geyer's Professional Page

University of Washington
Friday Harbor Laboratories

620 University Road
Friday Harbor, WA 98250
(206) 543-1484 or (360) 378-2165
Fax: (206) 543-1273


Coastal and Estuarine Fluid Dynamics

Session B
July 14 - August 16, 2003

5 weeks: M-F 8-5; S 8-12
Ocean 578 (9 credits)

Instructors: Dr. Parker MacCready, Dr. W. Rockwell Geyer

This course is designed for graduate students in Physical Oceanography who have an interest in coastal and estuarine circulation, particularly those processes which are important to biogeochemical transformations. It will be an intensive introduction to physical theory, measurements, and modeling techniques, which have come about in the last decade. The first week will be devoted to intensive introductory lectures by the instructors. The second two weeks will be devoted to a set of "research quality" field experiments in nearby waters. There will be multiple studies in different environments, each with the mentorship of a different "instructor", i.e., researcher. The final two weeks will be for
synthesis of results, interspersed with lectures by a number of guest speakers. The guest speakers will be chosen to highlight research frontiers, novel approaches, and interdisciplinary linkages to the physics.

Coastal and estuarine oceanography are at a very exciting point in their development. New
technologies are combining with increased societal concerns over pollution, sustainable marine habitat, and coastal climate impacts to make this a true "age of discovery" for this field. Yet most coastal and estuarine work is carried out in the context of specific estuaries and regions. This course will be a means to bring together a group of the best current grad students from around the country and world, and provide them with an intensive learning experience that will help build a strong, broad group of research peers for them for the future.

FHL is an ideal place for this course because the surrounding waters offer a wide variety of sites for short field experiments. Enrollment is limited to 12 students.

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