C.5 Research Plan

C.5.1 Overview and Project Schedule. The foregoing text highlights the complexity and scale of the PSP problem in the GOM. ECOHAB-GOM focuses on the largest and most important Alexandrium habitats, the links between them, and their connection to a downstream "sink" for toxicity on Georges Bank. Our knowledge of Alexandrium dynamics in these habitats varies considerably and thus the proposed research activities in each area differ. A great deal of work is proposed, but the general plan of the project is simple and logical. Sampling cruises and mooring deployments are planned in Years 1 and 3, with Year 2 reserved for data analysis and modification of Year 3 cruise plans. In the WMCC, the focus will be on small-scale physics and bloom dynamics in the "source region". In the EMCC, where less is known of bloom patterns, the investigations will be on a larger scale, emphasizing linkages to the Bay of Fundy as a source of Alexandrium cells and the WMCC and Georges Bank as downstream sinks for cells and toxin. Georges Bank will be sampled on a limited scale to determine the extent to which its toxicity originates within either the WMCC or EMCC. To supplement these efforts, small-scale "process" studies are planned in Year 4. In the WMCC, these will explore the autecology and transport of Alexandrium in patches or blooms in the source region marked with drogues and dye. In the EMCC, the focus will be on the physical/biological processes that are key to cell accumulation, transport, and delivery in that region. Year 5 is considered a synthesis year for all project elements. A limited set of laboratory and mesocosm studies are planned to provide data needed to interpret field observations.

An abbreviated project schedule is given below, with details of the various program elements and measurements to follow. A comprehensive time-line is given in Section F.

Year 1. Wintertime coastal and nearshore cyst survey, with mooring deployment (RV Oceanus); six bi-weekly survey cruises in Casco Bay area of WMCC (RV Gulf Challenger); three 2-leg cruises, monthly in the EMCC (RV Cape Hatteras). Cruise measurements: hydrography (T, S, light transmission, in situ fluorescence), Alexandrium cells, cysts, cyst fluorescence, zooplankton composition, grazing rates, food web transfer; nutrients, SST, ocean color; drifter releases, both regions; continuous moored data at 8 locations; nutrient physiology and vertical migration laboratory experiments, Georges Bank shellfish (charter vessel) and remote sensing analysis; modeling focus - Casco Bay.

Year 2. Sample processing, data analysis and cruise planning; grazing expts.; cyst germination experiments; nutrient physiology and migration tank experiments; Georges Bank shellfish and remote sensing analysis; modeling focus - WMCC and empirical toxicity predictive models.

Year 3. (To be modified based on Year 1 results). Six bi-weekly survey cruises in Casco Bay area of WMCC; three 2-leg cruises, monthly in the EMCC. Cruise measurements: hydrography (T, S, light transmission, in situ fluorescence), Alexandrium cells, cysts; cyst fluorescence, zooplankton composition, grazing rates, food web transfer; nutrients, SST, ocean color; drifter releases, both regions; continuous moored data at 8 locations; nutrient physiology, migration and encystment, tank experiments, Georges Bank shellfish and remote sensing analysis; modeling focus - all elements.

Year 4. Process studies: WMCC - Alexandrium patch and population dynamics with respect to transport and retention. EMCC - physics and biology of key zones of bloom initiation, accumulation, and delivery; continuous moored data at 3 locations; physiology, migration and encystment nutrient physiology tank expts.; Georges Bank shellfish and remote sensing analysis; grazing experiments; modeling focus - Casco Bay and large scale GOM.

Year 5. Data synthesis and publication. Participation in national ECOHAB symposium.