Animal Relationships

One of the primary lines of research in the lab is to understand the evolutionary relationships of major animal lineages. This work is drawing on information from several different sources to build a comprehensive, consensus understanding of animal relationships. In particular, we are focusing on the Lophotrochozoan clade. This is a clade of bilaterian animals that is defined be all the descendants of, and including, the last common ancestor of the annelids, mollusks, and the three lophophorate taxa (Brachiopoda, Phoronida, and Bryozoa). The term Lophotrochozoa refers to the fact that this lineage includes the traditional Lophophorate groups and lineages with a trochophore larvae (sensu lato).

A current understanding of animal phylogeny, complied from several sources, is shown. We know believe that three major lineages of bilateral animals existed prior to the Cambrian radiation (~ 550-600 MYA): Deuterostomes, Lophotrochozoans, and Ecdysozoans. This later group consists of molting animals and includes the model systems of Drosophila and Caenorhabdidtis. Deuterostomes include echinoderms (seastars, sea cucumbers, urchins), hemichordates (acorn worms and pterobranchs), and chordates. The cnidarian (jellyfish, corals, anemones), ctenophore (comb jellies), and porifieran (sponges) lineages were all established lineages well before the Cambrian. Much of the current understanding of animal phylogeny was initially based on the 18S nuclear ribosomal subunit (rDNA) gene, but information from morphological cladistic analyses, mitochondrial genomes, and other nuclear genes have also been used.

In the Halanych lab, we are using the 28S nuclear ribosomal subunit and Hox- genes to explore animal phylogeny, specifically Lophotrochozoan relationships. The 28S rDNA is approximately 3000 nucleotides long and linked to the 18S rDNA. Hox-genes are a set of transcription factors involved in embryogenesis. These genes occur in a linked cluster that is expressed in a colinear fashion. We are employing genomic approaches to clone and sequence the entire cluster (~250-300 Kb) from representative organisms. Because only a single Hox cluster exists in invertebrates, we will use gene geneologies and the presence of orthologous genes to infer evolutionary history.

One of the organisms that we are most focused on is the annelid Ophrytrocha diadema (Dorvilleidae). This annelid has a 21-28 day generation time (22OC) and is easy to maintain in the lab. Surprisingly, no model genetic system exists for the Lophotrochozoans, the bilaterian lineage that includes the greatest diversity of animal body plans. One of the goals of the lab is to develop this annelid as a model system so that genomic evolution within animals can be better understood.