Marine Biotoxins and Harmful Algae:
A National Plan


1. General Background

As biotoxins move up through marine food webs, they can have a broad spectrum of effects on marine animals in inshore, offshore, pelagic, and benthic habitats (Table 2). The scope of these effects, resulting from both chronic and acute exposure to the toxins, has become more evident in recent years (Anderson and White, 1989; White, 1980, 1988; White, in press; White et al., 1989). A wide variety of animals can accumulate biotoxins and act as intermediate vectors to consumers at higher trophic levels. Certain groups of animals, as direct consumers of microalgae, have received primary attention with regard to specific biotoxins. The best-known examples are filter-feeding bivalve molluscs as vectors for PSP, NSP, DSP, and ASP (Shumway, 1990). Phycotoxins are, however, increasingly being detected in a wide range of marine animals, such as gastropod molluscs, zooplankton, planktivorous fish, benthic crustaceans, sea birds and marine mammals (Quayle, 1969; Halstead, 1978; White, 1981b; Smayda, 1992).

Marine fish and shellfish kills caused by harmful algae may have significant economic impacts on coastal communities through lost recreational and commercial fishing revenues and adverse aesthetic effects on tourism (e.g., fish kills in Florida and the southeastern United States) and decimation of bay scallop stocks and reduction of eelgrass nursery habitat by brown tides in New York; Cosper et al., 1987). Harmful algae also may have direct (non-food chain) and catastrophic economic effects on finfish aquaculture. There is no uniform recording or reporting of fish kills, but the frequency of these events may be increasing.

Coastal waters in the United States harbor a number of harmful phytoplankton species that could cause, or already may have caused, massive fish and shellfish mortality, judging from recent events in other parts of the world. For example, Chatonella antiqua , various silico-flagellates, and Prymnesium spp. are present here but have not been documented to cause the fish and shellfish kills and other mortality events seen elsewhere in the world. Other toxic species remain to be identified, such as an unusual dinoflagellate species responsible for a number of fish kills in North Carolina (Burkholder et al., 1992). It is possible, even likely, that this dinoflagellate has caused fish kills in all of the mid-Atlantic states for decades or more.

It is known that biotoxin conversions (e.g., saxitoxin in butter clams) and magnification (e.g., ciguatera) during food-chain transfers can occur and may be important in understanding the fate of phycotoxins in the marine environment, although these processes are poorly understood (Shimizu, 1987). Shellfish differ markedly in their physiological responses, and in their ability to accumulate, metabolize, and eliminate various biotoxins (Shumway, 1990; Shumway and Cucci, 1987). Therefore, information obtained for one species is not necessarily applicable to others.


Harmful Algal Species
Geographic Area
Affected Organisms *

Alexandrium spp. (PSP)

Northern Atlantic and Pacific Coast of North America Mussels, surfclams, softshell clams, sea scallops, butterclams, ocean quahogs, oysters, gastropods, lobsters, crabs

Herring, salmon, menhaden, sandlance, mackerel and possible other fish species.

Whales, sea lions+, sea otters+, sea birds

Squid, zooplankton, and other
benthic invertebrates
Alexandrium monilata Gulf of Mexico Oysters, coquinas, mussels, gastropods, fish
Pseudonitzschia pungens f. multiseries (ASP) Gulf of Maine; eastern Canada, Puget Sound, WA Mussels
P. pseudodelicatissima (ASP) New Brunswick, Canada Mussels
P. australis (ASP) California Anchovies, sea birds
Probably P. australis (ASP) Washington, Oregon Razorclams+, Dungeness crabs+

Unidentified (ASP) Massachusetts Bay scallops+
Maine Sea scallops+
Dinophysis spp. (DSP) Nova Scotia, Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada Mussels+
Prorocentrum lima (DSP) Nova Scotia, Canada Mussels+
Prorocentrum spp. Long Island Sound Northern quahogs, bay scallops
Gyrodinium aureolum Northern New England (Maine) Mussels, softshell clams+
Aureococcus anophagefferens New York, Rhode Island,
New Jersey Bay scallops, mussels
Anchoa sp., cladocerans

Gymnodinium breve (NSP)

Gulf of Mexico, South Atlantic Bight Bay scallops, surfclams, oysters, southern quahogs, coquinas.


Many commercial and recreational species of fish.

Sea birds+, sea turtles, manatees+, dolphins+
Chaetoceros spp. Pacific northwest Salmon aquaculture, possibly other species
Heterosigma akashiwo Pacific northwest
Narragansett Bay Salmon aquaculture

Unnamed gonyaulacoid
Mid-Atlantic region Striped bass, flounder, croaker, mullet, menhaden, pinfish, sea trout, blue crabs, bay scallops
Gambierdiscus toxicus
Prorocentrum lima+
P. concavum+
P. hoffmannianum+
Ostreopsis lenticularis+
O. siamensis +

South Florida, Florida Keys
Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands
Hawaii, Guam Grouper, snapper, mackerel, jack, barracuda, parrot fish, tang, goat fish, and other finfish

* Found to contain algal toxins, or be adversely affected by marine algae
+ Causative algae implicated, not confirmed.

Marine mammals and wildlife including endangered species are also threatened by toxic algae. Over the past few years, PSP toxins transferred through mackerel have been implicated in the mass mortality of humpback whales in the Northeast (Geraci et al., 1989); domoic acid transferred through anchovies has been implicated in the dealth of brown pelicans and cormorants in the Southwest (Work et al., in press; Fritz et al., 1992) and brevetoxins possibly transferred through menhaden were implicated in the mass mortality of bottlenose dolphin in the southeast (Anderson and White, 1989). The transmission of dinoflagellate toxins through marine food chains can also have ecologically significant sub-lethal effects. PSP toxins sequestered by butter clams function as an effective chemical defense against important seabird, sea otter and fish predators, and may influence the distributions of these species (Kvitek and Beitler, 1991; Kvitek, in press). The ecological impact of dinoflagellate toxins in the marine food chain may therefore have profound consequences for conservation biology and our attempts to preserve and protect endangered species. The scope of this overall problem is unknown.

Algal blooms may have harmful effects not related to production of toxins, such as oxygen depletion of the water column (Ropes et al., 1979), fish suffocation from stimulation of gill mucus production, or mechanical interference with filter-feeding structures (Horner et al., 1990).

The Fisheries and Food Webs working group identified seven major impediments to progress in the biology and ecology of toxic shellfish; three impediments in the areas of fish kills and aquaculture of finfish; two in the area of the effects of toxins on the marine food web, and five in shellfish monitoring programs. The group recommended solutions to these impediments.

1.1 Shellfish: Impediments and Recommendations

IMPEDIMENT: Available information on toxin kinetics (toxin uptake and detoxification/ depuration) and anatomical distribution of toxins in shellfish is restricted and limited to a few bivalve species.

RECOMMENDATION: Determine factors controlling accumulation and loss of toxins in commercially important inshore and offshore shellfish, including environmental factors, characteristics of the phytoplankton assemblage (e.g., relative abundance and toxicity of implicated algal species), and prior history of exposure to toxins.

Field studies relating bloom dynamics to shellfish toxicity patterns at the appropriate spatial and temporal scales are extremely rare. This information is necessary to identify potential aquaculture species which are less susceptible to accumulation and long-term retention of toxins, select suitable indicator species, and evaluate the potential for species-specific closures of shellfish harvesting grounds. These data will also allow optimization and streamlining of costly monitoring efforts (e.g., determination of optimum sampling frequency) and development of mitigation strategies. Field studies correlating phytoplankton and shellfish toxicities in combination with experimental toxification studies will allow unequivocal cause-effect linkage between shellfish toxicity episodes and their source.

Emphasis should be placed on:

Two- to three-year studies in which the history of toxication is well characterized are best suited to meet this objective. Results obtained in the laboratory should be compared with those documented in field populations where the source of toxin may be unknown or poorly characterized. Toxin conversions in shellfish tissues may increase public health risk. For example, low potency PSP toxins in algal cells are converted to more potent metabolic end products in some bivalve tissues.