Henrieta Dulaiova
List of Publications
Upated: November 2007


Dulaiova, H. and W. C. Burnett, 2007. Evaluation of the flushing rates of Apalachicola Bay, Florida via natural geochemical tracers, Marine Chemistry, in press.

Garcia-Solsona, E., J. Garcia-Orellana, P. Masqué, and H. Dulaiova, Uncertainties associated with 223Ra and 224Ra measurements in water via a Delayed Coincidence Counter (RaDeCC), Marine Chemistry, in press.

Dimova, N, H. Dulaiova, G. Kim, and W. C. Burnett, 2007. Uncertainties in the preparation of 224Ra Mn fiber standards, Marine Chemistry, in press.

Taniguchi, M., W. C. Burnett, H. Dulaiova, F. Siringan, J. Foronda, G. Wattayakorn, S. Rungsupa, E. A. Kontar, and T. Ishitobi, 2007. Groundwater discharge as an important land-sea pathway into Manila Bay, Philippines, Journal of Coastal Research, in press.

Burnett, W. C., N. Dimova, H. Dulaiova, D. Lane-Smith, B. Parsa, and Z. Szabo, 2007. Measuring Thoron (220Rn) in natural waters. In: Environmental Radiochemical Analysis. Royal Chemistry Society, UK, in press.

Burnett, W. C., G. Wattayakorn, M. Taniguchi, H. Dulaiova, P. Sojisuporn, S. Rungsupa, T. Ishitobi, 2007. Groundwater derived nutrient inputs to the Upper Gulf of Thailand, Continental Shelf Research 2(15), 176-190.


Dulaiova, H. and W. C. Burnett, 2006. Radon loss across the water-air interface (Gulf of Thailand) estimated experimentally from 222Rn-224Ra, Geophysical Research Letters 33, L05606, doi:10.1029/2005GL025023.

Dulaiova, H., W. C. Burnett, G. Wattayakorn, and P. Sojisuporn, 2006. Are Groundwater Inputs into River-Dominated Areas Important? The Chao Phraya River – Gulf of Thailand, Limnology & Oceanography 51(5), 2232-2247.

Burnett, W. C. and H. Dulaiova, 2006. Radon as a Tracer of Submarine Groundwater Discharge into a Boat Basin in Donnalucata, Sicily, Continental Shelf Research 26(7), 862-873.

Taniguchi, M., W. C. Burnett, H. Dulaiova, E. A. Kontar, P. P. Povinec, and W. S. Moore, 2006. Submarine groundwater discharge measured by seepage meters in Sicilian coastal waters, Continental Shelf Research 26(7), 835-842.

Dulaiova, H., W. C. Burnett, J. P. Chanton, W. S. Moore. H. J. Bokuniewicz, M. A. Charette, and E. Sholkovitz, 2006. Assessment of Submarine Groundwater Discharges into West Neck Bay, New York, via Natural Tracers, Continental Shelf Research 26(16), 1971-1983.

Povinec, P. P., P. K. Aggarwal. A. Aureli, W. C. Burnett, E. A. Kontar, K. M. Kulkarni, W. S. Moore, R. Rajar, M. Taniguchi, J.-F. Comanducci, G. Cusimano, H. Dulaiova, L. Gatto, M. Groening, S. Hausser, I. Levy-Palomo, B. Oregioni, Y. R. Ozorovich, A. M. G. Privitera, M. A. Schiavo, 2006. Characterisation of submarine groundwater discharge offshore south-eastern Sicily, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 89(1), 81-101.

Burnett, W. C., H. Dulaiova, C. Stringer, and R. Peterson, 2006. Submarine Groundwater Discharge: Its Measurement and Influence on the Coastal Zone, Journal of Coastal Research Special Issue 39, 35-38.


Dulaiova, H., R. Peterson, W. C. Burnett, and D.-L. Smith, 2005. A Multi-Detector Continuous Monitor for Assessment of 222Rn in the Coastal Ocean, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 263 (2), 361-365.


Swarzenski, P., W. C. Burnett, C. Reich, H. Dulaiova, R. Peterson, and J. Meunier, 2004. Novel Geophysical and Geochemical Techniques Used to Study Submarine Groundwater Discharge in Biscayne Bay, Florida, USGS Fact Sheet 2004-3117.

Dulaiova, H. and W. C. Burnett, 2004. An Efficient Method for Gamma Spectrometric Determination of Radium-226, 228 via Manganese Fibers, Limnology & Oceanography: Methods 2 256-261.


Burnett, W. C., and H. Dulaiova, 2003. Estimating the Dynamics of Groundwater Input into the Coastal Zone via Continuous Radon-222 Measurements, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 69 (1-2), 21-35.

Chanton, J. P., W. C. Burnett, H. Dulaiova, D. R. Corbett, and M. Taniguchi, 2003. Seepage Rate Variability in Florida Bay Driven by Atlantic Tidal Height, Biogeochemistry 66, 187-202.


Lane-Smith, D. R., W. C. Burnett, and H. Dulaiova, 2002. Continuous Radon-222 Measurements in the Coastal Zone, Sea Technology October 2002, 37-45.


Kim, G., W. C. Burnett, H. Dulaiova, P. W. Swarzenski, and W. S. Moore 2001. Measurement of 224Ra and 226Ra Activities in Natural Waters Using a Radon-in-Air Monitor, Environmental Science & Technology 35, 4680-4683.

Dulaiova, H., G. Kim, W. C. Burnett and E. P. Horwitz, 2001. Separation and Analysis of Am and Pu from Large Soil and Sediment Samples, Radioactivity & Radiochemistry 12 (3), 4-15.

Curriculum Vitae