SCIMS - A Semi-Autonomous System for Sampling and
Extraction of Surfactants in the Sea-Surface Microlayer


Figure 7 (Click on individual panels to enlarge)

The remote vehicle is a 13’ Hobie Wave catamaran supporting an instrument platform on which the SCIMS package, two GPS units, 12V battery banks, and solid-state chargers are mounted. Twin radio-controlled electric motors and servo-driven rudders provide propulsion and steering. The SMS is supported on an articulated boom between the Hobie hulls and forward of the platform.

In addition to SCIMS, the vehicle carries a flux measurement system consisting of a 2-D sonic anemometer and relative humidity and temperature probes mounted on a 3-meter mast, along with subsurface temperature and conductivity probes. The GPS units are integrated with the data acquisition systems. Communications and real-time control of SCIMS operations are made via wireless LAN components mounted on the catamaran and the support vessel. In deployments, the vehicle has proved to be highly maneuverable in winds up to 6 m/s. Endurance is about 6 hours and limited mainly by the current drain of the propulsion system.
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