

The Physical Oceanography Observing Laboratories (POOL), is a new oversight group with a single point of contact for the department who will facilitate usage of the following seagoing groups.

Mooring Operations, Engineering, and Field Support Group Mooring Operations, Engineering, and Field Support Group
A joint PO/AOPE entity, which services the entire Institution and a large number of outside users, both locally, nationally and internationally. [website]
Upper Ocean Processes Group Upper Ocean Processes Group
The primary focus of the Upper Ocean Processes (UOP) Group is the study of the air-sea interface and upper ocean using surface moorings equipped with meteorological and underwater sensors. Surface buoys with satellite telemetry are designed, fabricated, instrumented, tested, and deployed. UOP Group capabilities include technical development, instrument preparation, field logistics, seagoing operations, and data acquisition, display, verification, and archiving. Testing of meteorological and oceanographic sensors, both in the lab and in the field, is ongoing. [website]
Sub-Surface Mooring Operations Group Sub-Surface Mooring Operations Group
This group primarily maintains a suite of instrumentation that normally does not penetrate the near surface layer. They are also responsible for going to sea to deploy and recover these moorings. This includes current, temperature, pressure and conductivity measurements in the deep ocean to full ocean depth. Much of the equipment in this group is available for use through POOL. [website]
Moored Profiler Moored Profiler
The Moored Profiler is a newly operational instrument that attaches to a conventional subsurface mooring and travels along the mooring wire on a user-defined sampling schedule carrying sensors to measure the ocean's temperature, salinity and velocity. A shared-use inventory of Profilers and associated sensors has now been created within POOL. [website]
CTD/hydrography Group CTD/hydrography Group
This group provides support to PO scientists and has, in recent years, also provides support for CTD/hydrography on our Institution research vessels, in cooperation with the Institutions shared use equipment. [website]
Calibration Laboratory
This lab has the capability to calibrate temperature and pressure sensors to the highest standards required for our field. The sensors are used on CTD’s, moorings and increasingly on floats. The float group has developed a ballasting facility that is part of our departmental calibration laboratory. [website]
Float Group Float Group
The first active float group in the US developed at WHOI using SOFAR technology. Since then, it has evolved to use RAFOS and ALACE floats and is active in pursuing new developments such as the glider and ARGO. [website]
SeaSoar Labs SeaSoar Labs
The SeaSoar is a commercial instrument for making undulating profiles from an underway vessel. Our group made significant improvements to the control system (which have been incorporated by the manufacturer) and continues to make developments (such as bottom avoidance for shallow water, fiber optic data links for real time video plankton and other interdisciplinary work). [website]


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