Variability of Thermohaline Circulation and Freshwater Storage in the Arctic Ocean
Principal Investigator
Andrey Proshutinsky
Woods Hole Oceanographic
Woods Hole, MA 02543
Phone: 508-289-2796
FAX: 508-457-2181

Project Description
First Year Project Results
Publications and Talks
Digital Data Access

This research has been supported by a grant from NOAA. NOAA’s project manager:

John A. Calder, Director Arctic Research Office
NOAA Oceanic and Atmospheric Research R/AR Silver Spring, MD 20910
Publications and Talks

Proshutinsky, A., R. H. Bourke, The role of the Beaufort Gyre in Arctic climate variability: seasonal to decadal climate scales (pdf version), GRL, 2002 (submitted, declined, resubmitted).

Proshutinsky, A., L. Timokhov, R.H. Bourke, Variability of freshwater storage in the Arctic Ocean (in preparation for JGR).

Proshutinsky, A., Once again: Two circulation regimes of the Arctic Ocean circulation. Beaufort Gyre case study. Workshop on Measurement and Modelling of the Arctic Ocean Circulation, 17-20 June 2002, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University, Palisades, NY, USA, (invited).

Proshutinsky, A., R. H. Bourke, T. Proshutinsky, Variability of freshwater storage and thermohaline circulation of the Arctic Ocean, IAPSO meeting, October 2001, Mar Del Plata, Argentina.

Proshutinsky, A., Decadal variability of the Arctic climate: past, present, and future studies, Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, St. Petersburg Russia, (January 4, 2002, invited)

Proshutinsky, A., Beaufort Gyre as a flywheel of the Arctic Ocean Circulation: seasonal, interannual and decadal time scales, McGill University, invited talk (March 22, 2002).

Proshutinsky, A., Arctic climate variability, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA, invited talk (March 22, 2002).