Upper Ocean Response to Cold Air Outbreaks in the Japan/East Sea: SeaSoar Surveys at the Subpolar Front Craig M. Lee, Applied Physics Laboratory, University of Washington. (craig@sahale.apl.washington.edu) Burton H. Jones, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Southern California. (bjones@usc.edu) Kenneth H. Brink, Department of Physical Oceanography, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. (kbrink@whoi.edu) Robert Arnone, Naval Research Laboratory, Code 7343 Stennis Space Center. (arnone@nrlssc.navy.mil) Richard Gould, Naval Research Laboratory, Code 7343 Stennis Space Center. (gould@csips5.nrlssc.navy.mil) Clive Dorman, Center for Coastal Studies, Scripps Institution of Oceanography. (cdorman@ucsd.edu) Robert Beardsley, Department of Physical Oceanography, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. (rbeardsley@whoi.edu) ABSTRACT Strong wintertime forcing by outbreaks of cold, dry Siberian air may drive intermediate water formation and subduction at the subpolar front of the Japan/East Sea. The subpolar front separates warm, saline southern waters from seasonally stratified, colder, fresher waters that lie to the north. Previous observations taken south of the front during spring and summer reveal subsurface pycnostads having elevated levels of dissolved oxygen and watermass characteristics consistent with those expected of waters formed in wintertime at the front. In January 2000, R/V Revelle made a series of four intensive surveys of the subpolar front, spanning the passage of three distinct cold air outbreaks. Upper ocean measurements were conducted using a towed, undulating profiler (SeaSoar) equipped with extensive physical and bio-optical sensors while ship-based observations included upper ocean velocities, boundary layer meteorology and real-time, remotely sensed sea surface temperature and ocean color. The surveys bracketed a particularly strong cold-air event that occurred 24-26 January, between the first and second surveys. Mixed layers deepened and cooled with the passage of each successive storm system, consistent with a largely one-dimensional response in which intense surface cooling and convective overturning play important roles. Between cold-air outbreaks, advective effects associated with both the front and a nearby eddy likely govern mixed layer evolution. Observations south of the front revealed small (O(20 km) horizontal and O(20 m) vertical scales) regions of weakly stratified water with T-S characteristics similar to those within the northern-side mixed layer. These subsurface features were typically found between the 27.0 kg/m$^{3}$ and 26.7 kg/m$^{3}$ isopycnals (a layer that outcrops on the northern edge of the front) at distances as far as 50 km south of the frontal interface. The features nearest the front also exhibit elevated bio-optical signals similar to those found in the northern mixed layer, suggesting that the waters have been recently subducted beneath the southern mixed layer.