Terrence  Michael Joyce

Physical Oceanographer

Senior Scientist

Physical Oceanography Department

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution


B.Sc., Rose Polytechnic Institute, Terre Haute, Indiana, 1968; Sc.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology  -Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Joint Program, 1972.


Scientist Emeritus, 2011-present, Department Chair, 1998-2002, Senior Scientist, 1986-2011, Associate Scientist, 1977-1986; tenure awarded, 1981; Assistant Scientist, 1973-1977; Postdoctoral Investigator, 1972-1973, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.


Paul M. Fye Senior Scientist Chair, 2003-2010; Director, Ocean & Climate Change Institute, WHOI, 2005-2007; Visiting Professor, LODYC, Paris, May, 1999, 2003, April 2006; Chair, WHOI Marine Operations Committee, 1994-February 1998; Director, WOCE Hydrographic Programme Office, September 1989-December 1996; Visiting Research Scientist, June to December, 1979, Institut für Meereskunde, Christian Albrechts Universität, Kiel, West Germany.



Recent or Pertinent Publications


Joyce, T. M., 1974. Fine-structure contamination of moored temperature sensors: a numerical experiment. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 4(2), 183-190.


Joyce, T. M., 1974. Nonlinear interactions among standing surface and internal gravity waves. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 63(4), 801(825.


Hayes, S. P., T. M. Joyce, and R. C. Millard, 1975. Measurements of vertical fine(structure in the Sargasso Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research, 80(3), 314-319.


Joyce, Terrence M., 1976. Large-scale variations in small scale temperature/salinity finestructure in the main thermocline of the northwest Atlantic. Deep-Sea Research, 23, 1175-1186.


Joyce, Terrence M., and Yves Desaubies, 1977. Discrimination between internal waves and temperature finestructure. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 7(1), 22-32.


Joyce, T. M., and Steven L. Patterson, 1977. Cyclonic ring formation at the Polar Front in the Drake Passage. Nature, London, 265(5590), 131-133.


Joyce, T. M., 1977. A note on the lateral mixing of water masses. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 7, 626-629.


The MODE Group, 1978. The Mid-Ocean Dynamics Experiment. Deep-Sea Research, 25(10), 859-910.


Joyce, Terrence M., Walter Zenk, and John M. Toole, 1978. The anatomy of the Antarctic Polar Front in the Drake Passage. Journal of Geophysical Research, 83(C12), 6093-6113.


Frankignoul, Claude, and Terrence M. Joyce, 1979. On the internal wave variability during the Internal Wave Experiment (IWEX). Journal of Geophysical Research, 84(C2), 769-776.


Ruddick, Barry R., and Terrence M. Joyce, 1979. Observations of interaction between the internal wave-field and low frequency flows in the North Atlantic. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 9(3), 498-517.


Joyce, Terrence M., 1980. On production and dissipation of thermal variance in the oceans. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 10, 460-463.


Joyce, T. M., R. H. Kase, and W. Zenk, 1980. Horizontal advection of temperature in the seasonal thermocline during JASIN 1978. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 10(10), 1686-1690.


Joyce, Terrence M., 1981. Influence of the mid-Atlantic Ridge upon the circulation and the properties of the Mediterranean Water southwest of the Azores. Journal of Marine Research, 39(1), 31-52.


Joyce, T. M., S. L. Patterson, and R. C. Millard, Jr., 1981. Anatomy of a cyclonic ring in the Drake Passage. Deep-Sea Research, 28(11A), 1265-1287.


Joyce, T. M., D. S. Bitterman, Jr., and K. E. Prada, 1982. Shipboard acoustic profiling of upper ocean currents. Deep-Sea Research, 29(7A), 903-913.


Joyce, Terrence M., 1982. Marginally unstable salt fingers: Limits to growth. Journal of Marine Research, Supplement to 40, 291-306.


Joyce, Terrence M., Raymond W. Schmitt, and Marvel C. Stalcup, 1983. Influence of the Gulf Stream upon the short-term evolution of a warm-core ring. Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 34, 515-524.


Joyce, T. M., and M. C. Stalcup, 1984. An upper ocean current jet and internal waves in a Gulf Stream warm core ring. Journal of Geophysical Research, 89(C2), 1997-2003.


Joyce, Terrence, Richard Backus, Karen Baker, Patricia Blackwelder, Otis Brown, Timothy Cowles, Robert Evans, Greta Fryxell, David Mountain, Donald Olson, Ronald Schlitz, Raymond Schmitt, Peter Smith, Raymond Smith, and Peter Wiebe, 1984. Rapid evolution of a Gulf Stream warm core ring. Nature, 308, 837-840.


Joyce, T. M., 1984. Velocity and hydrographic structure of a Gulf Stream warm-core ring. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 14(5), 936-947.


Joyce, Terrence M., and Marvel C. Stalcup, 1985. Wintertime convection in a Gulf Stream warm core ring. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 15(8), 1032-1042.


Joyce, T. M., and M. A. Kennelly, 1985. Upper ocean velocity structure of Gulf Stream Warm Core Ring 82B. Journal of Geophysical Research, 90(C5), 8839-8844.


Kennelly, Maureen, Robert H. Evans, and Terrence Joyce, 1985. Small-scale cyclones on the periphery of a Gulf Stream warm-core ring. Journal of Geophysical Research, 90(C5), 8845-8857.


Olson, D. B., R. W. Schmitt, M. Kennelly, and T. M. Joyce, 1985. A two-layer diagnostic model of the long term physical evolution of Warm Core Ring 82B. Journal of Geophysical Research, 90(C5), 8813-8822.


Nelson, David, M., Hugh W. Ducklow, Gary L. Hitchcock, Mark A. Brzezinski, Timothy J. Cowles, Christopher Garside, Richard W. Gould, Jr., Terrence M. Joyce, Christopher Langdon, James J. McCarthy, and Charles S. Yentsch, 1985. Distribution and composition of biogenic particulate matter in a Gulf Stream warm core ring. Deep-Sea Research, 32(11A), 1347-1370.


Joyce, T. M., C. Wunsch, and S. D. Pierce, 1986. Synoptic Gulf Stream velocity profiles through simultaneous inversion of hydrographic and acoustic Doppler data. Journal of Geophysical Research, 91(C6), 7573-7585.


Joyce, Terrence M., Bruce A. Warren, and Lynne D. Talley, 1986. The geothermal heating of the abyssal sub arctic Pacific Ocean. Deep Sea Research, 33(8A), 1003-1016.


Schmitt, Raymond W., Rolf G. Lueck, and Terrence M. Joyce, 1986. Fine- and microstructure at the edge of a warm core ring. Deep-Sea Research, 33(11/12A), 1665-1689.


Bishop, James K. B., and Terrence M. Joyce, 1986. Spatial distributions and variability of suspended particulate matter in Warm-Core Ring 82B. Deep-Sea Research, 33(11/12A), 1741-1760.


Joyce, Terrence M., and Kevin G. Speer, 1987. Modeling the large-scale influence of geothermal sources on abyssal flow. Journal of Geophysical Research, 92(C3), 2843-2850.


Joyce, T. M., 1987. Hydrographic sections across the Kuroshio Extension at 165°E and 175°W. Deep-Sea Research, 34(8A), 1331-1352.


Joyce, Terrence M., 1988. Wind-driven cross-equatorial flow in the Pacific Ocean. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 18, 19-24.


Joyce, Terrence M., 1988. On the wind-driven cross-equatorial flow in the Atlantic Ocean. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 18(5), 793-799.


Pierce, Stephen D., and Terrence M. Joyce, 1988. Gulf Stream velocity structure through inversion of hydrographic and acoustic Doppler data. Journal of Geophysical Research, 93(C3), 2227-2236.


Joyce, Terrence M., and William J. Schmitz, Jr., 1988. Zonal velocity structure and transport in the Kuroshio Extension. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 18(11), 1484-1494.


Joyce, Terrence M., Roger Lukas, and Eric Firing, 1988. On the hydrostatic balance and equatorial geostrophy. Deep-Sea Research, 35(8), 1255-1257.


Church, John A., Terrence M. Joyce, and James F. Price, 1988. Current and density observations across the wake of Typhoon Gay. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 19(2), 259-265.


Joyce, Terrence M., 1989. On in-situ calibration of shipboard ADCPs. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 6(1), 169-172.


Nelson, David M., James J. McCarthy, Terrence M. Joyce, and Hugh W. Ducklow, 1989. Decay of a warm-core ocean eddy: results in accelerated nutrient transport and primary production. Deep-Sea Research, 36(5), 705-714.


Cooper, Cortis, George Z. Forristall, and Terrence M. Joyce, 1990. Velocity and hydrographic structure of two Gulf of Mexico warm-core rings. Journal of Geophysical Research, 95(C2), 1663-1679.


Joyce, T. M., K. A. Kelly, D. M. Schubert, and M. J. Caruso, 1990. Shipboard and altimetric studies of rapid Gulf Stream variability between Cape Cod and Bermuda. Deep-Sea Research, 37(6), 897-910.


Talley, Lynne D., Terrence M. Joyce, and Roland A. deSzoeke, 1991. Transpacific sections at 47°N and 152°W: Distributions of properties. Deep-Sea Research, 38(Supplement 1), S63-S82.


Joyce, Terrence M., 1991. Thermohaline catastrophe in a simple four box model of the ocean climate. Journal of Geophysical Research, 96(C11), 20,393-20,402.


Qiu, Bo, Kathryn A. Kelly, and Terrence M. Joyce, 1991. Mean circulation and variability of the Kuroshio extension from GEOSAT altimetry data. Journal of Geophysical Research Oceans, 96(C10), 18,491-18,507.


Joyce, Terrence M., 1991. Review of U.S. contributions to warm-core rings. Reviews of Geophysics, Supplement (U.S. National Report to International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics 1987-1990), 610-616.


Joyce, Terrence M., and Trevor J. McDougall, 1992. Physical structure and temporal evolution of Gulf Stream Warm-Core Ring 82B. Deep-Sea Research, 39(1), S19-S44.


Joyce, Terrence M., James K. B. Bishop, and Otis B. Brown, 1992. Observations of offshore shelf water transport induced by a warm-core ring. Deep-Sea Research, 39(1), S97-S113.


Kelly, Kathryn A., Terrence M. Joyce, David M. Schubert, and Michael J. Caruso, 1992. The mean sea surface height and geoid along the GEOSAT subtrack from Bermuda to Cape Cod. Journal of Geophysical Research, 96(C7), 12,699-12,709.


Talley, Lynne D., and Terrence M. Joyce, 1992. The double silica maximum in the North Pacific. Journal of Geophysical Research, 97(C4), 5465-5480.


Qiu, Bo, and Terrence M. Joyce, 1992. Interannual variability in the Mid- and Low-latitude Western North Pacific. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 22(9), 1062-1079.


Joyce, Terrence M., and William J. Jenkins, 1993. Spatial variability of subducting water in the North Atlantic: A pilot study. Journal of Geophysical Research, 98(C6), 10,111-10,124.


Joyce, Terrence M., and Paul E. Robbins, 1996. The long-term hydrographic record at Bermuda. Journal of Climate, 9, 3121-3131.


Joyce, Terrence M., James R. Luyten, Alexander Kubryakov, Frank B. Bahr, and Julie S. Pallant, 1998. Meso- to large-scale structure of subducting water in the subtropical gyre of the eastern North Atlantic Ocean. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 28(1), 40-61.


Curry, Ruth G., Michael S. McCartney, and Terrence M. Joyce, 1998. Linking subtropical deep water climate signals to North Atlantic subpolar convection variability. Nature, 391, 575-577.


Joyce, T. M., G. A. Cannon, D. Pashinski, K. R. Helfrich, and S. A. Harrington, 1998. Vertical and temporal vorticity observations at Juan de Fuca Ridge: Hydrothermal signatures. Geophysical Research Letters, 25, 1741-1744.


Helfrich, K. R., T. M. Joyce, G. A. Cannon, S. A. Harrington, and D. Pashinski, 1998. Mean hydrographic and velocity sections near Pipe Organ vent at Juan de Fuca Ridge. Geo-physical Research Letters, 25, 1757-1740.


Wijffels, Susan, Melinda M. Hall, Terrence Joyce, Daniel J. Torres, Peter Hacker, and Eric Firing, 1998. Multiple deep gyres of the western North Pacific: A WOCE section along 149°E. Journal of Geophysical Research, 103(C6), 12,985-13,009.


Joyce, Terrence M., Robert S. Pickart, and Robert C. Millard, 1999. Long-term hydrographic changes at 52° and 66°W in the North Atlantic subtropical gyre and Caribbean. Deep-Sea Research II, 46, 245-278.


Joyce, Terrence M., Clara Deser, and Michael A. Spall, 2000. On the relation between decadal variability of Subtropical Mode Water and the North Atlantic Oscillation. Journal of Climate, 13, 2550 - 2569.


Hernandez-Guerra, Alonso, and Terrence M. Joyce, 2000. Water masses and circulation in the surface layers of the Caribbean at 66°W. Geophysical Research Letters, 27, 3497-3500.


Joyce, T. M., I. Yasuda, Y. Hiroe, K. Komatsu, K. Kawasaki, and F. Bahr, 2001. Mixing in the meandering Kuroshio Extension and the formation of North Pacific Intermediate water. Journal of Geophysical Research, 106(C3), 4397-4404.


King, B. A., E. Firing, and T. M. Joyce, 2001. Shipboard observations during WOCE. Chap-ter 3.1 in: Ocean Circulation and Climate, G. Siedler, J. Church and W. J. Gould, editors, International Geophysics Series, Academic Press, 715 pp.


Yasuda, Ichiro, Yutaka Hiroe, Kosei Komatsu, Kiyoshi Kawasaki, Terrence M. Joyce, Frank Bahr, and Yasuhiro Kawasaki, 2001. Hydrographic structure and transport of the Oyashio south of Hokkaido and the formation of North Pacific Intermediate Water. Journal of Geophysical Research, 106(C4), 6931-6942.


Joyce, Terrence M., Alonso Hernandez-Guerra, and William M. Smethie, Jr., 2001. Zonal circulation in the NW Atlantic and Caribbean from a meridional World Ocean Circulation Experiment hydrographic section at 66°W. Journal of Geophysical Research, 106(C10), 22,095-22,113.


Frankignoul, Claude, Guelle de Coёtlogon, Terrence M. Joyce, and Shenfu Dong, 2002. Gulf Stream variability and ocean-atmosphere interactions. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 31, 3516-3529.


Joyce, Terrence M., 2002. One hundred plus years of wintertime climate variability in the eastern US. Journal of Climate, 15, 1076-1086.


Aoyama, M., T. M. Joyce, T. Kawano, and Y. Takatsuki, 2002. Standard seawater comparison up to P129. Deep-Sea Research, 49, 1103-1114.


Joyce, Terrence M. and Jane Dunworth-Baker, 2003. Long-term hydrographic variability in the Northwest Pacific Ocean. Geophysical Research Letters, 30(2), 1043, doi:10.1029/2002 GLO15225.


Yang, Jiayan, and Terrence M. Joyce, 2003. How do high-latitude North Atlantic climate signals negotiate the crossover boundary between the Deep-Western Boundary Current and the Gulf Stream. Geophysical Research Letters, 30(2), 1070, doi:10.1029/2002GLO15366.


Hiroe, Y., I. Yasuda, K. Komatsu, K. Kawasaki, T. M. Joyce, F. Bahr, 2003. Transport of North Pacific Intermediate Water in the Kuroshio-Oyashio Interfrontal Zone. Deep-Sea Research II, 49, 5353-5364.


Joyce, T. M., C. Frankignoul, J. Yang, and H. E. Phillips, 2004. Ocean response and feedback to the SST dipole in the Tropical Atlantic, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 34, 2525-2540.


Hall, M. M., T. M. Joyce, R. S. Pickart W. M. Smethie Jr., and D. J. Torres, 2004. Zonal circulation across 52°W in the North Atlantic. Journal of Geophysical Research, 109, C11008, doi:10.1029/2003JC002103.


Yang, Jiayan, and Terrence M. Joyce, 2006. Local and Equatorial Forcing of Seasonal Variations of the North Equatorial Countercurrent in the Atlantic Ocean. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 36, 238-254.

Joyce, T. M., J. Dunworth-Baker, R. S. Pickart, D. Torres, and S. Waterman, 2005. On the Deep Western Boundary Current south of Cape Cod.  Deep-Sea Research, II, 52, 615-625.


Phillips, Helen E., and Terrence M. Joyce, 2007. Bermuda’s Tale of Two Time Series: Hydrostation S and BATS.  Journal of Physical Oceanography, 37(3), 554-571.


Takeshi Kawano, Michio Aoyama, Terry Joyce, Hiroshi Uchida, Yasushi Takatsuki, and Masao Fukasawa, 2006. The Latest Batch-to-batch Difference Table of Standard Seawater and its Application to the WOCE Onetime Sections.  J. Oceanography, 62, 777-792.

Joyce, Terrence M., and Andrey Proshutinsky, 2007. Greenland’s Island Rule and the Arctic Ocean Circulation.  Journal of Marine Research, 65, 639-653.


Peña-Molino, Beatriz, and Terrence Joyce, 2008. Variability in the Slope Water and its relation to the Gulf Stream path. Geophysical Research Letters, 35, L0306, doi:10.1029/2007GL032183.


Joyce, Terrence M., Leif N. Thomas, and Frank Bahr, 2009.  Wintertime observations of Subtropical Mode Water formation within the Gulf Stream.  Geophysical Research Letters, 36, L02607, doi:10.1029/2008GL035918.


Joyce, Terrence M., Young-Oh Kwon, and Lisan Yu, 2009.  On the relationship between Synoptic Wintertime Atmospheric Variability and path shifts in the Gulf Stream and Kuroshio Extension. Journal of Climate, 22, Issue 12, 3177-3192, doi: 10.1175/2008JCLI2690.1


The Climode Group, 2009. Observing the cycle of convection and restratification over the Gulf Stream system and the subtropical gyre of the North Atlantic Ocean: preliminary results from the CLIMODE field campaign.  Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 90, 1337-1350.


Hernández-Guerra, Alonso, Terrence M. Joyce, Eugenio Fraile-Nuez, and Pedro Vélez-Belchí 2009.  Using Argo data to investigate the Meridional Overturning Circulation in the North Atlantic. Deep-Sea Research I, 57, 29–36.


Joyce,Terrence M., and Rong Zhang, 2010.  On the Path of the Gulf Stream and the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation. Journal of Climate, 23. 3146-3154


Thomas, Leif N., and Terrence M. Joyce, 2010. Subduction on the northern and southern flanks of the Gulf Stream.  J. Physical Oceanography, 40,429-438.

Kelly, K. A., R. J. Small, R. M. Samelson, B. Qiu, T. M. Joyce, Y.-O. Kwon, and M. F. Cronin, 2010. Western Boundary Currents and Frontal Air-Sea Interaction: Gulf Stream and Kuroshio Extension. J. Climate, 23, 5644-5667.

Nye, J.A., T.M. Joyce, Y.-O. Kwon, and J.S. Link, 2011. Gulf Stream position determines spatial distribution of silver hake. Nature Commun., 2:412, doi:10.1038/ncomms1420.


Toole, J.M., R.G. Curry, T.M. Joyce, M. McCartney, and B. Peña-Molino, 2011. Transport of the North Atlantic Deep Western Boundary Current About 39N, 70W:2004-2008, Deep–Sea Research II, doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2010.10.058.


Peña-Molino, B., T.M. Joyce, and J.M. Toole, 2011. Recent changes in the Labrador Sea Water within the Deep Western Boundary Current southeast of Cape Cod. Deep–Sea Research, 58, 1019–1030.


Joyce, Terrence M., 2012.  New perspectives on Eighteen Degree Water formation in the North Atlantic. J. Oceanography, 68, 45–52, DOI 10.1007/s10872-011-0029-0.

Pérez-Hernandez, M.D, A. Hernandez-Guerra, T.M. Joyce, and P. Velez-Belchi.  Wind-Driven Cross-Equatorial Flow in the Indian Ocean, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 42, doi: 10.1175/JPO-D-12-033.1.

Wu, Lixin, Wenju Cai, Liping Zhang, Hisashi Nakamura, Axel Timmermann, Terry Joyce, Michael J. McPhaden, Michael Alexander, Bo Qiu, Martin Visbeck, Ping Chang and Benjamin Giese, 2012. Enhanced warming over the global subtropical western boundary currents, Nature Climate Change, published online, DOI:10.1038/NCLIMATE1353.

Peña-Molino, B, Joyce, Terrence M. , and John M. Toole, 2012. Variability in the Deep Wstern Boundary Current: Local versus remote forcing. Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, C12022, doi:10.1029/2012JC008369,2012.

Kwon, Y.-O, and T.M. Joyce,, 2013.  Northern Hemisphere Winter Atmospheric Transient Eddy Heat Fluxes and the Gulf STream and Kuroshio-Oyashio Extension Variability, J. Climate, 23,9839-9859,doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-12-00647.1.


Thomas, Leif N., John Taylor, Raffael Ferrari, and Terrence M. Joyce, 2013. Symmetric Instability in the Gulf Stream, DSR-II, Volume 91, (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr2.2013.02.025).

Joyce, T.M., L.N. Thomas, W.K. Dewar, and J.B. Girton, 2013.  Eighteen Degree Water Formation within the Gulf Stream during CLIMODE.  DSR-II, Volume 91, (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr2.2013.02.019) .


Joyce, Terrence M. , John M. Toole, Patrice Klein. and Leif N. Thomas, 2013. A near-inertial mode observed within a Gulf Stream warm-core ring. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 118, 1-10, doi:10.1002/jgrc.20141,2013.


Perez-Hernandez,M.D., and T.M. Joyce, 2014. Two modes of Gulf Steam variability revealed in the last two decades of satellite altimeter data. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 44, 149-163, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/JPO-D-13-0136.1.


Synergistics: T. Joyce served as department chair of physical oceanography at WHOI from 1998-2002, has helped to develop and lead the WOCE Hydrographic Program as director of an international project office (1989-1996) and prior to that served as a member of the US WOCE Science Steering Committee. He has been active in the MIT/WHOI education program beginning with teaching of one of the core courses and advising nine students (5 M.S., 4 Ph.D.). He has worked in the development of oceanographic applications of the shipboard acoustic Doppler profiler from an early commercial model and led the growth of the WHOI CTD group in its early years of existence. He has served as an associate editor of JGR Oceans and been co-editor of a special volume of DSR (1992) dealing with Warm Core Rings (of the Gulf Stream and Kuroshio). He has served on the awards nomination committee and on the Editor Search Committee for Geophysical Research Letters for AGU. He has also served on the advisory committee for Ocean Sciences at NSF, on the advisory panel of the NOAA program of Climate Change Data and Detection, and recently retired as a member of the Process Study and Model Improvement Panel for US CLIVAR. T. Joyce has also recently served as the director of the Ocean & Climate Change Institute at WHOI.  He is presently a member of the science steering group for U.S. Repeat Hydrography and a member of the U.S. AMOC Program.


Graduate Students: Kevin Speer (Ph.D. 1988), John Toole (Sc.D. 1980), Barry Ruddick (Ph.D. 1977), Marlene Noble (M.S. 1975), Maureen Kennelly (M.S. 1983); Steven Pierce (M.S. 1986); D. Schubert (M.S. 1990); Stephanie Harrington (M.S. 1997), Beatriz Pena-Molino (Ph.D. 2010).


Postdoctoral Scholars: Edward Horn (1979), Bo Qiu (1990-1991), Helen Phillips (2000-2001).


Collaborating Scientists Over Last 48 Months: William Dewar, Florida State Univ.;; Alonso Hernández-Guerra, ULPGC, Spain; Kathy Kelly & James Girton, APL/UW; John Marshall and Raf Ferrari, MIT;  Leif Thomas, Stanford Univ.; Rong Zhang, GFDL, Princeton;  Janet Nye, EPA, Narragansett; Lixin Wu, Ocean University of China, Qingdao.


Advisors: Ph.D.: Robert C. Beardsley, WHOI

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  10/25/11 Updated

  5/3/12 Updated