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Principal Investigators: Andrew D. Bowen1, Dana R. Yoerger1, Christopher German1, James C. Kinsey1, Louis L. Whitcomb1,2 Larry Mayer3

Engineering Team: Michael V. Jakuba1 (lead), John W. Bailey (electrical systems), Stefano Suman (software systems), Casey Machado (mechanical), with supprt from Christopher L. Taylor1, Daniel Gomez-Ibanez1, and many others.

1Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
2Laboratory for Computational Sensing and Dynamics, Johns Hopkins University
3Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping, University of New Hampshire


Vehicle development was funded under NSF’s Office of Polar Programs ANT-1126311. Additional funding is provided by the James Family Foundation, the George Frederick Jewett Foundation East and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.

We gratefully acknowledge support for field expeditions from NASA, NSF's Division of Ocean Sciences, NSF's OFfice of Polar Programs, NOAA's Office of Exploration and Research, the Office of Naval Research and WHOI.  We are also grateful for the contribution of ship time aboard the RV Polarstern from the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar Research, Bremerhaven, Germany.