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Scientists Find Trigger That Cracks Lakes

Scientists Find Trigger That Cracks Lakes

June 3, 2015

Graduate student Laura Stevens became a focal point of a research team that cracked a big mystery atop the Greenland Ice Sheet.

A Green Thumb for Ocean Microbes

A Green Thumb for Ocean Microbes

May 11, 2015

Anyone who has tried to grow orchids or keep a bonsai tree alive will tell you that cultivating plants is not always simple. My thesis research absolutely depended on cultivating…

Hidden Battles on the Reefs

Hidden Battles on the Reefs

January 7, 2015

A new study led by WHOI scientists shows how changing ocean conditions can combine to intensify erosion of coral reefs.

Trouble in the Tropics

Trouble in the Tropics

November 26, 2014

An MIT-WHOI graduate student is on the trail of marine toxins that accumulate in fish and are eaten by people.

From Lab to Sea

From Lab to Sea

November 19, 2014

Scientists at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution share their field-tested experience, training graduate students on methods and instruments to collect data in the coastal ocean.

Big Questions About Tiny Bacteria

Big Questions About Tiny Bacteria

November 3, 2014

It’s 3 a.m., and Jesse McNichol is struggling to stay awake. Since midafternoon, he’s been in his lab, tending to a jumble of glassware, plastic tubing, and metal cylinders filled…

Coral-Current Connections

Coral-Current Connections

October 20, 2014

Will climate change shift a key ocean current in the Pacific? A graduate student is looking for clues recorded in coral skeletons.

Is Ocean Acidification Affecting Squid?

Is Ocean Acidification Affecting Squid?

September 26, 2014

The rise in carbon dioxide in the ocean from fossil-fuel burning may have insidious impacts on marine life.

A Mooring in Iceberg Alley

A Mooring in Iceberg Alley

July 25, 2014

WHOI scientists knowingly put a mooring in a fjord filled with icebergs near the terminus of a Greeland glacier. But it was their only way to learn if changing ocean conditions might be affecting how fast the glacier flowed into the ocean.

Uncovering the Ocean's Biological Pump

Uncovering the Ocean’s Biological Pump

April 25, 2014

Dan Ohnemus clearly remembers the highlight of his fourth-grade class in Bourne, Mass. He and his classmates made a satellite call to scientists at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) who…