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Calendar of Events

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Biology Department Virtual Seminar: A Demographic and Evolutionary Analysis of Maternal Age Effects in Rotifers at the Individual and Population Level

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Physical Oceanography Department Virtual seminar: A Proposal: Measuring Global Sea Level Changes with Surface Drifting Buoys

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AOP&E Department Virtual Seminar: Remote Sensing of Secluded Ecosystems – Challenges and Perspectives Using the Example of Penguin Colonies

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MC&G Department Virtual Seminar today: Carbon Supply and Demand during the EXPORTS Northeast Pacific Field Deployment


NOAA Live! Webinar: Some Like It Hot, Some Like It Cold: Monitoring Fish and Ecosystems with Bottom Trawl Surveys in Alaska

Physical Oceanography Department Virtual Seminar: Meteorology and Climatology of Wind and Solar Power Droughts over Western North America

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AOP&E Department Virtual Seminar: Environment-Driven Autonomy: Field Robots and their Statistics


NOAA Live! Webinar: It Takes a Village to Save the Hawaiian Monk Seal

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G&G Department Virtual Seminar: Transient Aseismic Subduction Deformation Events Jointly Analyzed with Geodetic and Seismological Recordings

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MC&G Department Virtual Seminar: Right in Our Own Backyard: Methane Cycling on the California and Oregon Continental Shelves


NOAA Live! Webinar: Alaska Marine Science Symposium in Anchorage: Cutting-Edge Science Connecting with Education

Physical Oceanography Department Virtual Seminar: Freshwater-Induced Variability of the North Atlantic Climate

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G&G Virtual Seminar: Focus on the Middle Third; Developing STEM Courses that Engage and Serve the Needs of Diverse Undergraduate Scientists

AOP&E Department Virtual Seminar: The Dynamics of Open-Ocean Aquaculture Structures

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Biology Department Virtual Seminar: Interactions Between Large Brown Algae and Reef Fishes from the South Pacific

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Physical Oceanography Department Virtual Seminar: North Atlantic Circulation and More Globally: Attempts at Connecting Circulation and Watermass Transformation

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