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Atlantis, Fore and Aft

Atlantis, Fore and Aft

May 4, 2015

Ships mean a lot to Dick Pittenger. He retired after 32 years in the Navy as an admiral and led WHOI’s Marine Operations Division from 1990 to 2004. During that time, he oversaw mid-life conversions of the research vessels Knorr and Oceanus; construction of the coastal research vessel Tioga; installation of the tethered vehicles Argo, Medea/Jason, and DSL-120 into the National Deep Submergence Facility; the successful grant proposal for a major upgrade for the submersible Alvin, and construction of R/V Atlantis, which he recently watched returning to Woods Hole. He now steers WHOI’s Development Office and anticipates the arrival of WHOI’s next ship, Neil Armstrong. (Photo by Tom Kleindinst, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)


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