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It Was Clean When We Put It In

It Was Clean When We Put It In

December 17, 2010

Engineering assistant Daniel Bogorff works to clean a fouled (and furry-looking) Ultramoor Data Capsule Magazine that had just been recovered from its mooring station on Line W between Woods Hole and Bermuda. Moored instruments, buoys, and rigging attract a wide variety of organisms, including algae, bryozoans, and mussels, and are sometimes damaged or disabled by the hangers-on. Usually, a wipe-down by hand and a freshwater rinse get the equipment clean, but on occasion the organisms hold on so tightly they have to be scrubbed off. This week WHOI is celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Buoy Group’s first mooring.(Photo courtesy of John Toole, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

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