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I want to say one word to you... plastics

I want to say one word to you… plastics

June 26, 2009

Pieces of plastic collected by one plankton net tow in the surface waters of the Atlantic Ocean at 30°27’N, 55°42.2’W in October, 1992 (penny shown for scale). These samples are a fraction of more than 60,000 pieces collected by the Sea Education Association (SEA) during the past two decades. Together with Kara Lavender Law at SEA, WHOI chemist Chris Reddy and his lab group are investigating the distribution, abundance, and type of plastics found in the ocean. Their goal is to provide the most comprehensive and scientifically rigorous study on an increasingly recognized problem in the oceans, plastic marine debris.
(Photo by Tom Kleindinst, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

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