Copyright © 1996, 1997, 1998
Woods Hole
Oceanographic Institution

Use or reproduction of any material herein for any commercial purposes is prohibited without express written permission.

WHOI In Motion

A Gallery of Animation and Video from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Through animation and video, this site attempts to bring oceanography closer to you. View some of the activities of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), and visit again to see future WHOI developments! Links at the bottom of this and related pages guide you to the software needed to view the presentations.

A Ship Is Born


of the Deep


Roving Robot,
Sleeping Beauty


Up in "Smoke"


Creatures of

WHOI Research

Other Movies from
WHOI Science

REMUS docking

REMUS docking
(another view)

REMUS undocking

Netscape Navigator 3.0 (or later version) and QuickTime software best present the clips on these pages. You may need to download the QuickTime software, a plug-in, or a helper application.
QuickTime Software
Netscape Plug-ins
Netscape Helpers

Page maintained by the WHOI Information Office and Graphic Services.