WHOI In Motion

A Gallery of Animation and Video
from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Launch video

For a complete description, see the Marine Operations pages about Atlantis.
  A Ship Is Born
(QuickTime video, 1.5 MB)
Ships are the largest and perhaps most significant tool oceanographers employ in marine-science research. They serve not only as the means to transport scientists to research sites around the world, but also as floating laboratories for scientists' on-site experiments, data collection, and data evaluation. WHOI maintains a fleet of vessels that match or adapt to the needs of its scientific staff and colleagues at institutions and oceanographic agencies worldwide. In February 1996, WHOI launched its newest vessel, R/V Atlantis. It arrived in Woods Hole in April 1997 and was first deployed for science operations in June 1997. The new Atlantis is 274 feet long, accommodates a crew of 20 and a scientific party of 39, and is the support vessel to Alvin, the deep-sea submersible. View the dramatic moment when the ship first met the sea!

Copyright © 1996, 1997, 1998 Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

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