WHOI logo Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution -- ASSOCIATES PROGRAM


Seminars and lectures, social events, ship celebrations,
and more!
In 1999:
Summer Science Lecture:  June 18

Afternoon of Science:  Sept. 17

Each year, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Associates enjoy a variety of on-site educational activities and social gatherings. Associates are sent notices of any Institution opportunities in their areas. 

Summer Science Lecture

The Associates Summer Science Lecture is held annually in mid-June on a Friday afternoon and evening. Past programs have covered topics as diverse as deep submergence technology and harmful algal blooms ("red tides"). The next Summer Science Supper will be held on Friday, June 18, 1999. The program is titled "Sharing the Wonders of Scientific Discovery".

Afternoon of Science

The Institution sponsors an annual Afternoon of Science for WHOI Associates. Past programs have addressed such issues as: 

  • ocean circulation and its influence on climate, pollution, waste disposal, recreation, and transportation 
  • decline of fisheries, especially on Georges Bank off the coast of New England and Nova Scotia 
  • hurricanes and how they are formed and derive their energy and power from the heat of surface waters 
  • paleoceanography and climate research, covering topics ranging from the meteoric impact that probably drove dinosaurs and other creatures to extinction, to climate cooling that drove Danish settlers out of Greenland 
The 1999 Associates Afternoon of Science will be held on Friday, September 17, 1999, and will feature ocean observatories.  Program information will be mailed to active Associates. 

For additional information about Associates Program member activities, see the Associates home page, or contact:

Associates Program
Development Office, MS #40
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Woods Hole, MA 02543
Phone: (508) 289-4895
Fax: (508) 457-2167
E-mail: development@whoi.edu

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