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Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution


WHOI Associates
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"The Associates Program is a terrific opportunity for those who are interested in ocean science to become involved with the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI). Ocean science is a fast-paced, constantly changing, challenging field. The oceans affect all of us. Those who live near the coast are acutely aware of the beauty, fragility, commercial value, and challenging dynamics of coastal waters as well as the deep ocean. Those who live inland, as far as the farmlands of the mid-west, understand that the oceans drive global climate and that oceanic phenomena determine rainfall and drought, affecting crops, livestock, and lifestyles worldwide. 

 "We need to understand how the oceans work, how marine ecosystems function. WHOI scientists are helping us to gain this knowledge, this understanding. Associates support these men and women by learning about their work, understanding the challenges, and articulating the importance and significance of their findings. Associates also provide crucial financial support through their annual gifts to the Institution. Our membership is an integral part of the Institution. We welcome new participants. Please contact us for more program information." 

-- Dudley Harrington, President of the WHOI Associates


Publications, lectures, events, and travel opportunities are available to members. Inquiries regarding the Associates Program can be made to:

Associates Program
Development Office, MS #40
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Woods Hole, MA 02543
Phone: (508) 289-4895
Fax: (508) 457-2167
E-mail: development@whoi.edu

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