WHOI logo Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution -- ASSOCIATES PROGRAM


Unlock the secrets of the world oceans! Publications, lectures, events, and travel opportunities are all available to members of the Associates Program of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI). Members provide critical support to the research and education efforts of the Institution. Benefits of becoming an Associate--in addition to becoming a member of the Institution's key groups of supporters--include:
Currents cover     Oceanus cover
Woods Hole Currents     Oceanus
A quarterly publication that introduces readers to the scientists, engineers and students who are on the cutting edge of oceanographic research.     A semi-annual publication that provides in-depth discussions about specific issues and research initiatives at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.
Atlantis painting     Antarctica image
Special Events     Educational Travel Opportunities
As opportunities arise, Associates are invited to special activities such as ship celebrations.  Anually, WHOI hosts two on campus lectures and events:
  • Summer Lecture
  • Afternoon of Science in September
    Past destinations have included trips to Iceland, Peru, Antarctica, Madagascar, Hawaii and the South Pacific. Associates travel with a member of the WHOI scientific staff. Itineraries focus on educational opportunities with a marine science theme.
Other Benefits
Membersreceive a 15-percent discount on many items in the WHOI Exhibit Center and Gift Shop, located at 15 School Street in Woods Hole, Massachusetts.

Associates Program Enrollment Form

Inquiries regarding the Associates Program can be made to:

 Associates Program
Development Office, MS #40
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Woods Hole, MA 02543
Phone: (508) 289-4895
Fax: (508) 457-2167
E-mail: development@whoi.edu

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