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2022 Geophysical Fluid Dynamics (GFD) Program

The 2022 Geophysical Fluid Dynamics (GFD) begins on Tuesday, June 21st” with lectures running through August 12. This year's principal lecturers will be Prof. Peter Schmid of KAUST and Prof. Laure Zanna of New York University. The program theme is Data-driven GFD. If you would like to receive weekly lecture schedules by email, please contact…


The library will be featuring a “Pop Up Book Sale” on their front lawn again this summer, much to the delight of book lovers around the town. Every day, during…

MC&G Department Hybrid Seminar

Clark 509 366 Woods Hole Road, WOODS HOLE

Iron Sources and Cycling Over the Cenozoic: Evolution of the Iron Cycle in the South Pacific and Southern Ocean Logan Ashley Tegler, WHOI Synergy Between Sunlight, Titanium Dioxide, and Microbes…