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Special WHOI Webinar: The Science of Shipwrecks

Robert Ballard and Biologist Kirstin Meyer-Kaiser, WHOI Sponsored by: WHOI To register, please visit Emcee: Barbara Moran, Senior Producing Editor, WBUR Radio Environmental Vertical There are an estimated three million shipwrecks across the seafloor. These sites provide important insight into human history and culture. They are also home to rich ecosystems of interest to…

NOAA Webinar: Helping Big Ships Bring Goods into Port So You Can Have What You Need

Kyle Ward and Louis Licate, NOAA Sponsored by: NOAA With Kyle Ward and Louis Licate, NOAA's Office of Coast Survey in Charleston, SC and Miami, FL Scientists, engineers, and mariners use NOAA’s products and services to slide underneath bridges, navigate tight turns, and dock alongside ports so that everything from groceries to games are available…

MBL Falmouth Forum: How to Make a Painting

Cornelia Clapp Auditorium

Joe McGurl, Artist Sponsored by: MBL - Clapp Auditorium Lectures are free and open to the public. Masks are required. No registration required for in-person attendance. Doors open at 7:00…