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Upcoming Events

2022 Geophysical Fluid Dynamics (GFD) Program

The 2022 Geophysical Fluid Dynamics (GFD) begins on Tuesday, June 21st” with lectures running through August 12. This year's principal lecturers will be Prof. Peter Schmid of KAUST and Prof. Laure Zanna of New York University. The program theme is Data-driven GFD. If you would like to receive weekly lecture schedules by email, please contact…

Summer Lecture Series

The Ocean Observatories Initiative: Concept, Technology, and Data Al Plueddemann, WHOI Enabling Ecologically Curious Robots for Monitoring Coral Reefs Yogi Girdhar, WHOI Sponsored by: Academic Programs Office - Redfield Auditorium

AOP&E Department Virtual Seminar: STEM Education and the Ocean: Engaging with WHOI and my Participation in NSF’s Research Experience for Teachers Program

Dawna Garvin, Pleasanton Independent School District,  Pleasanton, TX Sponsored by: AOP&E Department This will be a virtual seminar.  You can join Zoom Meeting here: Meeting ID: 992 7484 5016 Passcode: K&te2Z Dial in: 646 558 8656 Passcode: 104294