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Upcoming Events

AOP&E Department Hybrid Seminar: Illuminating Ocean Twilight Zone Biodiversity with Environmental DNA Analyses

Annette Govindarajan, WHOI Sponsored by: AOP&E Department - Smith Conference Room This will be a hybrid seminar held in Smith Conference Room. For those that wish to join virtually, you can join the Zoom Meeting here: Meeting ID: 946 7738 4644 Passcode: 2AegV$ Dial in: 646 558 8656 Meeting ID: 946 7738 4644 Passcode: 776362

Physical Oceanography Department Hybrid Seminar: On the Role of the Labrador Sea in North Atlantic Decadal Variability and Predictability

Stephen G. Yeager, NCAR Sponsored by: Physical Oceanography Department - Clark 201 This will be a hybrid seminar held in Clark 201. For those that wish to join virtually, you can join the Zoom Meeting here: Meeting ID: 960 5086 8877 Passcode: WV*Gh7 One tap mobile: 16465588656