Research Departments
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Applied Ocean Physics and Engineering
The Applied Ocean Physics and Engineering (AOPE) Department is one of the foremost departments in the world in producing ocean instruments, sensors, and vehicles. We also take pride in our growing reputation in interdisciplinary ocean science and engineering.
In 2005, members of the Biology Department conducted research on a broad range of topics, addressing fundamental questions in subdisciplines from population biology and ecology, to the physiology and molecular biology of organisms in the sea. Biological subjects include viruses, bacteria and protists, phytoplankton, zooplankton, fishes, sea birds, and mammals.
Geology and Geophysics
The core strength of the Geology and Geophysics (G&G) Department lies in studies of the geology and geophysics of ocean basins and margins, and the underlying dynamics of the mantle that keep the tectonic plates in motion; the geochemistry of Earth systems, from processes deep within the Earth to interactions between geology and biology; climate change and its relation to ocean circulation; and coastal processes, including climatic effects on coastal systems and extreme events, such as hurricanes.
Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry
Scientists in the Marine Chemistry and Geo­chemistry Department had another busy year in 2005. Staff members could be found throughout the world’s oceans on research cruises, back in the lab analyzing samples and working on new chemical techniques, and using models to understand everything from small-scale geochemical reactions to large-scale global processes.
Physical Oceanography
Research in the Physical Oceanography Department is focused on the description and understanding of the evolving state of the ocean and its interaction with the atmosphere and the Earth, and its impact on climate change.

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