Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry Department Highlighted Research
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Oceanus Magazine Articles
December 21, 2005
A Touchstone for Marine Chemists and Students Retires
John Farrington was celebrated by scientists and future scientists
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October 5, 2005
Earth Can't Soak Up Excess Fossil Fuel Emissions Indefinitely
By the end of the century, the land and ocean may reach their capacity to absorb greenhouse gas from the atmosphere
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February 10, 2005
Mistaken Identity
Two bromine compounds found in whale blubber are natural products, not industrial pollutants
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WHOI News Releases
September 29, 2005
Marine Organisms Threatened By Increasingly Acidic Ocean
Corals and other marine organisms will find it hard to build shells if increasing carbon dioxide levels continue to change ocean chemistry, according to a new study.
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August 16, 2005
Earth's Ability to Absorb Increased Carbon Emissions May Be Limited
The ability of the planet to absorb increased emissions of carbon dioxide is limited, according to a recent study using a new computer model of Earth's climate that takes into account the planet's carbon cycle.
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May 9, 2005
Scientists Find Unusual Use of Metals in the Ocean
Cadmium, commonly considered a toxic metal and often used in combination with nickel in batteries, has been found to have a biological use as a nutrient in the ocean, the first known biological use of cadmium in any life form.
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February 10, 2005
Chemical Compounds Found in Whale Blubber Are From Natural Sources, Not Industrial Contamination
Whale blubber provides definitive clues to the source of chemical compounds found in humans and marine mammals, produced for industrial use but also naturally by plants and animals.
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