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Oceanus Magazine Articles
October 5, 2005
Earth Can't Soak Up Excess Fossil Fuel Emissions Indefinitely
By the end of the century, the land and ocean may reach their capacity to absorb greenhouse gas from the atmosphere
» View article from Oceanus Magazine

fresher ocean, cooler climateSeptember 14, 2005
Fresher Ocean, Cooler Climate
A less-salty North Atlantic Ocean could cool northern winters
» View article from Oceanus Magazine

under ice float January 27, 2005
Under-ice Floats Offer a ‘Breakthrough’
New instrument proves its mettle in an icy ocean
» View article from Oceanus Magazine

A Sentry at the Gateway January 26, 2005
A Sentry at the Atlantic Gateway
Experimental mooring monitors water flow through Hudson Strait
» View article from Oceanus Magazine

arctic January 25, 2005
The Flywheel of the Arctic Climate Engine
Remote Beaufort Gyre expeditions reveal clues to climate change
» View article from Oceanus Magazine

remus January 24, 2005
Flying Blind in the Ice Factory
Scientists test innovative technology to navigate vehicles under Arctic ice
» View article from Oceanus Magazine

map January 23, 2005
Is Global Warming Changing the Arctic?
And will polar changes trigger climate shifts beyond the Arctic?
» View article from Oceanus Magazine

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