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Oceanus Magazine Articles
whale November 4, 2005
Scientists Muster to Help Right Whales
With time running out, an ambitious research plan is launched for an endangered species
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September 19, 2005
Big Whale, Big Sharks, Big Stink
R/V Tioga sent into action to perform whale necropsy at sea
» View article from Oceanus Magazine

August 27, 2005
The Secret Lives of Fish
Scientists learn to read the 'diary' records in the ear bones of fish
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June 1, 2005
Sensors to Make Sense of the Sea
An expanding variety of sensors is changing they way we monitor dynamic ocean systems
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April 27, 2005
In Tiny Ear Bones, the Life Story of a Giant Bluefin Tuna
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April 25, 2005
Voyages into the Antarctic Winter
Pioneering cruises into the pack ice of the Southern Ocean reveal secrets of its fertile ecosystem
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mary carman April 7, 2005
Big Trouble from Little Squirts
WHOI scientist investigates a troublesome invasive species
» View article from Oceanus Magazine

May 25, 2005
Down to the Sea on (Gene) Chips
WThe genomics revolution is transforming the way scientists can study life in the oceans
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April 19, 2005
How to See What Whales Hear
Biomedical imaging reveals new insights into marine mammal ears
» View article from Oceanus Magazine

March 16, 2005
Run Deep, But Not Silent
A new tagging device lets scientists 'go along for the ride' into the underwater world of whales
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March 16, 2005
Playing Tag with Whales
Engineers overcome nightmarish specifications to create a dream instrument
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March 11, 2005
The Deeps of Time in the Depths of the Ocean
Discoveries of unusual marine microbes are radically changing our views about the evolution of life
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March 8, 2005
Little Things Matter A Lot
Overlooked in the ocean until the 1970s, cyanobacteria are among Earth's most important organisms
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February 1, 2005
Coral Gardens in the Dark Depths
Scientists seek to learn more about these abundant, fragile, and now-threatened communities
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February 7, 2005
Do Marine Protected Areas Really Work?
Georges Bank experiment offers new insights on age-old questions about closing areas to fishing
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January 20, 2006
To Find Whales, Follow Their Food
WHOI biologist employs an array of tools to reveal right whale feeding habits and habitats
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January 19, 2006
Diving into the Right Whale Gene Pool
What is compromising the endangered species' ability to reproduce?
» View article from Oceanus Magazine

January 19, 2005
Can We Catch More Fish and Still Preserve the Stock?
Mathematical analyses offer new insights into age-old controversies on fishing restriction
» View article from Oceanus Magazine

January 17, 2006
Doing the Right Thing for the Right Whale
WHOI Right Whale Initiative accelerates research to help conserve an endangered species
» View article from Oceanus Magazine

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