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The Ocean Conveyor

ocean conveyor

A global system of currents, often called the Ocean Conveyor, carries warm surface waters from the tropics northward. At high latitudes, the waters cool, releasing heat to the atmosphere and […]

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Great Ocean Conveyor

A schematic of the ocean circulation system, often called the Great Ocean Conveyor, that transports heat throughout the world oceans. Red arrows indicate warm surface currents. Blue arrows indicate deep […]

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The Great Ocean Conveyor

The Great Ocean Conveyor

In the North Atlantic Ocean in winter, the contrast between frigid, dry winter air and warm water draws heat from the ocean into the atmosphere and leaves ocean water colder […]

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A Line in the Ocean

A Line in the Ocean

Line W is an array of five moorings that has been monitoring changes in two currents that play important roles in regulating Earth’s climate: the Gulf Stream (orange area) […]

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CO Solubility Pump

Solubility Pump: Many different gases dissolve in seawater including oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide. Solubility of CO2 is strongly dependent on temperature, among other factors. The colder the water, the […]

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Beneath the Surface

Beneath the Surface

A CTD—a device that measure the conductivity, temperature and depth of seawater—descends through the water of glacial fjord in Greenland. Data from the instrument will help a team led […]

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Wash Day

Wash Day

The research vessel Neil Armstrong ducked into Prince Christian Sound last week to take advantage of the calm seas. The ship is currently on a mission to replace a set […]

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RAFOS floats

RAFOS floats

Scientists deploy a RAFOS float during a research cruise in the Denmark Strait to track the sources of sinking waters of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation—a key component of the Read More