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Buoy's Eye View

Buoy’s Eye View

October 17, 2016

WHOI engineer John Kemp (center) signals to the winch operator on R/V Neil Armstrong during the recovery of an Offshore Surface Mooring from the Ocean Observatories Initiative’s Coastal Pioneer Array. Located south of Martha’s Vineyard on the edge of the continental shelf, the array consists of 10 moorings, six ocean gliders, and two REMUS autonomous underwater vehicles. Together, they record data about physical, chemical, and biological processes across the shelf break as part of an NSF-funded effort to gather real-time, long-term measurements in a critical part of the ocean. Scientists and engineers are currently conducting the seventh visit to Pioneer in the past three years, and only the second on the new ship Neil Armstrong. (Photo by Paul Matthias, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

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