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Core Curriculum

Core Curriculum

June 25, 2018

WHOI researcher Ellen Roosen (center) gives science teachers a tour of the WHOI Seafloor Samples Laboratory. She explained how WHOI scientists recover cores of seafloor sediments and corals, which preserve clues about past climate, ocean circulation, and ocean life. The tour was part of a teachers’ workshop sponsored by Woods Hole Sea Grant, the WHOI Information Office, and the WHOI Academic Programs Office. This May, 29 teachers from Massachusetts and New Hampshire visited WHOI for a workshop on “Corals, Symbionts, and Climate Change.” They heard from WHOI scientists Amy Apprill and Konrad Hughen. The teachers got professional development credits for the workshop and took home resources to use in their classrooms. (Photo by Jayne Doucette, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)


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