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Into the deep

Into the deep

October 16, 2010

Alvin pilot Bruce Strickrott (left) watches as U.S. Navy Rear Admiral Nevin Carr climbs into the sub, which is owned by the Navy and operated by WHOI for the U.S. research community, during a stopover in San Diego. The layover gave WHOI the opportunity to schedule an engineering dive to assess Alvin’s new camera and lighting systems on a sunken World War II fighter plane off the coast, and to invite two rear admirals—Carr, the Chief of Naval Research and David Titley, Oceanographer of the Navy—to join the dives as observers. In early 2011, Alvin will receive a complete overhaul and upgrade. Visit Woods Hole Sunday 10/17 from noon to 5:00 to meet Alvin.(Photo by Lance Wills, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

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