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Mooring maneuver

Mooring maneuver

June 27, 2010

WHOI Upper Ocean Proccesses Group engineers John Kemp, Jim Ryder, Paul Bouchard, and Jason Smith, and scientist Tom Farrar went to the Red Sea in November 2009 to recover and re-deploy a mooring and instruments that had been there for more than a year. To manage the task, a truck-mounted crane, a winch, a generator, and a laboratory van were all welded to the deck of a large barge that was towed out to the site and maneuvered by a tugboat (right background). The mooring carries instruments to study air-sea interaction and measure meteorological and water conditions in the Red Sea—part of a project funded by King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) in Saudi Arabia. KAUST personnel played a large role in planning the operations.

(Photo by Tom Farrar, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

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