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New neighbors

New neighbors

May 16, 2010

During the week of May 3, 2010, a pair of osprey settled onto the nest on the WHOI Quissett campus, allaying fears that the nest would go unoccupied this year. Osprey usually spruce up their nest and start laying eggs several weeks earlier. While there is no easy explanation for why the birds got a late start, it’s believed the male may be a young bird making his first try at family life with a mature female. Watch their progress here. The nest, which is sponsored by Woods Hole Sea Grant and WHOI, has also undergone renovations by humans. Over the winter, the perch (left) was added, and a new, hi-def camera was installed (right) to provide streaming video of the nest and its occupants.

(Photo by Tom Kleindinst, Woods Hole Oceaongraphic Institution)

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