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In the Basket

In the Basket

To many scientists, one of the most important features on the submersible Alvin is the sub’s sample basket, the stage on the front of the sub that holds instruments being […]

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A Dramatic Demonstration

A Dramatic Demonstration

Intense international focus came to WHOI—and director John Steele—in 1985 after a team of WHOI researchers and French oceanographers discovered the wreck of the Titanic, which sank in 1912 in the […]

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Titanic Homecoming

Titanic Homecoming

Crowds of family members, WHOI staff, and other wellwishers—including hundreds of journalists and 18 film crews—thronged the pier at WHOI in September 1985, as the research vessel Knorr returned […]

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Taking Flight

Taking Flight

Adelie and chinstrap penguins “porpoise” through the water of the Southern Ocean near South Thule Island. Penguins and other animals are uniquely adapted to life in the harsh conditions of […]

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Research Relics

Research Relics

WHOI archivist David Sherman holds a bottle like one of the more than 200,000 deployed between 1956 and 1972 to track ocean currents in the North Atlantic. One such bottle, […]

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Glacial Pace

Glacial Pace

The science crew aboard M/V Viking Madsalex waits in Sermilik Fjord in southeastern Greenland for a helicopter that will take them closer to Helheim Glacier, at the head of the […]

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Old, Cold Seafloor

Old, Cold Seafloor

Well-bundled against the cold, WHOI engineer Christopher Griner (left) and guest student Christopher Maio prepare the Giant Gravity Core to sample seafloor sediments near the mouth of the Mackenzie […]

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Tale of the Scales

Tale of the Scales

WHOI biologist Joel Llopiz examines scales of haddock collected on annual surveys by the NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service to assess fish stocks. The scales, dating back to the […]

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Good Dive!

Good Dive!

Patrick Neumann, an able-bodied seaman on the research vessel Atlantis, grasps one of the manipulator hands of the submersible Alvin following a successful test dive in the Pacific […]

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Deepwater Detective

Deepwater Detective

WHOI marine chemist Chris Reddy holds a piece of debris found in 2011 on the Chandeleur Islands off the coast of Louisiana. It was one of many that began […]

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Sampling Fukushima

Sampling Fukushima

Core samples from the seafloor provide Japan Atomic Energy Agency scientist Shigeyoshi Otosaka (left) and his colleagues data for studying the dispersion and sedimentation of radionuclides from the Fukushima nuclear […]

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Stressed-out Phytoplankton

Stressed-out Phytoplankton

They may be microscopic and single-celled, but marine phytoplankton like these Melosira sp. are not immune to the stresses of everyday life. Like us, they require essential nutrients such […]

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An Amazonian Task

An Amazonian Task

MIT-WHOI Joint Program graduate student Sarah Rosengard collects a sample from a stream running through the Tanguro ranch, a soy and corn plantation located in the rainforest of Mato […]

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A Lab in the Sea

A Lab in the Sea

WHOI scientists deployed a new instrument last spring that they believe could revolutionize oceanography. WHOI engineering assistants Will Ostrom (left) and Jeff Pietro helped put the instrument, called an […]

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