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Into the Sunset

Into the Sunset

In May 2013, R/V Knorr sailed through a spectacular sunset on the western Atlantic Ocean near the equator. On the trip, Knorr took a group of scientists from WHOI and…

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Going Home

Going Home

Human occupied vehicle Alvin rests on the surface after a dive to the seafloor as its support ship, R/V Atlantis, stands by to tow it in and bring it back…

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Sub With a View

Sub With a View

Alvin pilot Mike Skowronski (center) and pilot-in-training Jefferson Grau (left) peer out onto the seafloor in the Gulf of Mexico during the recent Alvin Science Verification Cruise. One of the…

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Reaching For Answers

Reaching For Answers

ROV Jason reaches its manipulator arm into a diffuse hydrothermal flow known as Shrimp Gulley on the Mid Cayman Rise. In January 2012, WHOI geologist Chris German led a team…

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Apply Carefully

Apply Carefully

WHOI Engineer Rod Catanach positions a block of syntactic foam above the titanium personnel sphere of the Alvin submersible during its recent overhaul and upgrade, which included the addition of…

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Special Deliveries

Special Deliveries

WHOI research assistant Steve Pike unpacks some of the first water samples collected as part of a citizen-science initiative started by chemist Ken Buesseler to track the spread of radiation…

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50 Years Strong

50 Years Strong

On February 11, WHOI received an award of excellence from the Marine Technology Society (MTS) during the Underwater Intervention conference in New Orleans for 50 years of operating Alvin. The…

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New Chief

New Chief

WHOI geologist Adam Soule reviews images shot by a deep-sea time-lapse camera, nicknamed “ElevatorCam,” provided by the Multidisciplinary Instrumentation in Support of Oceanography (MISO) Facility during the Alvin Science Verification…

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Hot Wired

Hot Wired

Distributed temperature sensing (DTS) is a new technique for measuring temperature using fiber optic cable. Researchers from the labs of WHOI scientist Anne Cohen and UC Irvine’s Kristen Davis recently…

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Tank Test

Tank Test

Members of WHOI’s Deep Submergence Lab took the new Nereid Under Ice (nUI) vehicle through tank tests in 2013. The vehicle uses the same fiber optic technology first used in…

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Bleached and Barren

Bleached and Barren

Researchers from the lab of WHOI scientist Anne Cohen are currently working on Dongsha Atoll in the South China Sea to study how coral reef ecosystems are affected by internal…

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Following the Bloom

Following the Bloom

WHOI physical oceanographer Bob Pickart stepped out onto the Arctic sea ice recently to help a team he is leading that is studying massive phytoplankton blooms below the ice. Until…

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Going Down

Going Down

Diver Peter Leonard, chief mate on research vessel Atlantis, rides Alvin as it is lowered into the water during the sub’s Science Verification Cruise (SVC) in March, 2014. During each…

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Happy World Oceans Day

Happy World Oceans Day

The global ocean is one of the keys to life on Earth. It helps regulate our climate and our water supply, supplies oxygen to the atmosphere, provides food for billions…

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Singular Population

Singular Population

WHOI biologist Hal Caswell works through some modeling equations with his 2008 WHOI Summer Student Fellow Kiva Oken. Caswell recently received the 2014 Mindel C. Sheps Award for his contributions…

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Push to Plankton

Push to Plankton

To get through heavy ice cover, the U.S. Coast Guard icebreaker Healy sometimes has to back up, get a running start, and ram its way forward. During an ongoing cruise…

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Happy Birthday, Alvin

Happy Birthday, Alvin

Since its formal commissioning on June 5, 1964, the human-occupied vehicle Alvin has been probing the world’s oceans, providing an up-close look at hydrothermal vents and other features of the…

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Checking In

Checking In

Able-bodied seaman Raul Martinez and SSSG technician Allison Heater prepare the human-occupied vehicle Alvin for a dive during its Science Verification Cruise in March 2014. After communicating with the sub’s…

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What a Drag

What a Drag

A bright yellow sea anchor trails in the water as the huge A-frame and winch aboard research vessel Atlantis lift the human-occupied vehicle Alvin. Divers attached the sea anchor to…

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Weighty Subject

Weighty Subject

WHOI technicians Rick Sanger (left) and Phil Santos load iron plates onto the research submersible Alvin before a dive. The plates help Alvin descend through the water to the seafloor…

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Expert Analysis

Expert Analysis

In 2008, WHOI chemist Scott Doney (pictured) testified before the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Science and Technology’s subcommittee on Energy and Environment about the Federal Ocean Acidification Research…

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Dialysis for Diatoms

Dialysis for Diatoms

WHOI scientist Krista Longnecker built this small-scale electrodialysis system to remove salt from seawater collected during the DeepDOM reseach cruise in the spring of 2013. After running samples from the…

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