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Illuminating the Seafloor

Teamwork between a deep-sea robot and a human occupied submarine recently led to the discovery of five new hydrothermal vents on the seafloor of the eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean.

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Seals and Wild Horses on Sable Island, Nova Scotia

While East Coast seal populations have dramatically increased in recent years, a staggering proportion of Sable Island seals don’t make it to their first birthday. WHOI biologist Michelle Shero is looking into the influence of iron in seal mothers’ milk on pup survival rates.

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Sonic Youth: Researchers Investigate if Sound Can Save Corals

What does a healthy coral reef SOUND like? It’s bursting with sound, full of the croaks, purrs, and grunts of various fish. New research suggests that larval animals use this symphony of sounds to help them determine where they should live and grow. Could this new knowledge help protect reef systems that are already vulnerable to warming oceans and other stressors?

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WHOI Scientists Test Prototype Water-Level Sensor

Water-Level Sensor

Did you know 43% of Massachusetts’ population lives in a coastal community? WHOI researchers are working to help them protect their futures with the creation of a low-cost water-level sensor. Two prototypes are currently being tested alongside NOAA tidal gauges. Once they confirm they’re working properly, data will be publicly available to help cities and towns plan with resiliency planning.

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Do all plastics degrade the same?

A straw in the ocean

Plastic pollution is widely recognized as a huge problem for marine ecosystems and human health, but the lack of alternatives makes it hard to minimize its impacts. That’s why #WHOI scientists, in partnership with Eastman Chemical, have created a prototype for a new type of plastic straw derived from wood. A new study published in ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering shows these cellulose diacetate straws break down even faster than paper. One of the study’s authors WHOI scientist Collin Ward says this research emphasizes the importance of partnerships between industry and academia when it comes to keeping pollutants out of the ocean.

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The Arctic Ocean Ecosystem

arctic ecosystem

Despite the harsh weather and the ice cover, the Arctic Ocean is teeming with life. It has a complex but abundance ecosystem that supports large predators such as walruses, polar […]

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Fast-Spreading Mid-Ocean Ridge

fast spreading ridges

Faster spreading ridges like the northern and southern East Pacific Rise are “hotter,” meaning more magma is present beneath the ridge axis and more volcanic eruptions occur. Because the plate […]

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Slow-Spreading Mid-Ocean Ridge

slow spreading ridges

Slow spreading ridges like the Mid-Atlantic Ridge generally have large, wide rift valleys, sometimes as big as 10-20 km wide and very rugged terrain at the ridge crest that can […]

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