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Post-doctoral investigator Amy Maas examines a flask full of phytoplankton, which she will feed to pelagic snails she collected in the Gulf of Maine. These snails—the pteropod Limacina retroversa—are prey…

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Climate Change Chemist

Climate Change Chemist

In 2013, Summer Student Fellow Alterra Sanchez calibrated and tested low-cost commercial sensors in a local marsh to evaluate their accuracy. Back in the lab of marine chemist Zhaohui ‘Aleck’…

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Ocean Science Lifeline

Ocean Science Lifeline

WHOI engineer Jeff Lord secures a safety line used to recover a moored surface buoy and all of its instruments in case the mooring line breaks. The backup floatation system…

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Little Known Local Catch

Little Known Local Catch

Summer Student Fellow Anna Nisi collected zooplankton off the WHOI dock in 2013 to identify and isolate the ones that feed on Synechococcus, a common ocean bacteria. Although it is a…

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Ring of Fire

Ring of Fire

The Pacific “Ring of Fire” produces some of the most destructive earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions on Earth, including the 2011 Japan mega-quake and tsunami. WHOI geophysicist Jian Lin (middle)…

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Arctic Spring

Something surprising is happening in the Chukchi Sea north of Alaska. In 2011 a team of scientists aboard the Coast Guard icebreaker Healy discovered a massive springtime plankton bloom–one of…

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Ready for 2014

Ready for 2014

Shipboard Scientific Services Group technician Allison Heater stands on the submersible Alvin during recovery of the sub to R/V Atlantis in 2009 off the coast of Oregon. The past year,…

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Last Check

Last Check

WHOI technicians Jeff Pietro (left) and Kris Newhall work on the stern of R/V Knorr to prepare a connection between jacketed wire rope and electromechanical cable on a moored coastal…

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Jason On Deck

Jason On Deck

The remotely operated vehicle Jason, shown here during a 2011 cruise, will soon head out aboard research vessel Atlantis on a Dive and Discover cruise to study the ecosystem of…

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Securing the Package

Securing the Package

On the WHOI dock, research assistant Katherine Hoering and MIT-WHOI Joint Program student Sophie Chu test a self-contained package of sensors that can fully characterize the CO2 system in seawater.…

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Feeling the Heat

Feeling the Heat

Chinstrap penguins pant on a warm summer day at Orne Harbor, in the western Antarctic Peninsula, during a research expedition led by WHOI post-doctoral scholar Michael Polito and Tom Hart from…

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Just a Sip

Just a Sip

The slender snorkel of an Isobaric Gas-Tight sampler (IGT) draws a sample of hydrothermal fluids spewing out of a hydrothermal vent chimney as the mechanical arm of remotely operated vehicle…

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Bucket List

Bucket List

In November 2013, after many years overseeing Alvin activities as program manager at the National Science Foundation, Brian Midson (right) finally had his first dive in the sub. Afterward, Midson,…

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Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

The autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) Sentry got a festive “makeover” aboard R/V Atlantis this month—WHOI engineer Justin Fujii used electrical tape and a little magic to make the AUV resemble a certain…

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Deepsea Oasis

Deepsea Oasis

Anemones and shrimp cluster around a hydrothermal vent on the Caribbean seafloor on an expedition in 2012. A team led by WHOI geochemist Chris German explored the deepest known hydrothermal…

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Ice Doctor

Ice Doctor

In a refrigerated room, MIT-WHOI Joint Program graduate student Alison Criscitiello saws ice cores from the Pine Island Shelf, where the Pine Island Glacier extends from West Antarctica into the…

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Raking Them In

Raking Them In

Dr. Geir Huse, of the Norway-based Institute of Marine Research, collected fish brought aboard the Norwegian research ship G.O. Sars while a crew member looked on. Huse used the MULTPELT…

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Beacon Hill Comes to WHOI

Beacon Hill Comes to WHOI

Massachusetts House speaker Robert DeLeo (center) gets a primer on the REMUS 6000 from principal engineer Mike Purcell (right), while Jim Rakowski, director of state government and external relations at…

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Against the Odds

Against the Odds

In the western Pacific Republic of Palau, abundant corals live in conditions that are warmer and more acidic than normal—conditions that usually reduce corals’ ability to build their skeletons. WHOI…

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Northern Moorings

Northern Moorings

In September 2013, WHOI scientist Bob Pickart and colleagues traveled to to the Arctic aboard the Norwegian ship Lance to study ocean circulation in the far north. The group retrieved…

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High-Pressure Work

High-Pressure Work

Research associate Sean Sylva (left) and marine chemist Jeff Seewald carefully release highly pressurized fluid from an isobaric gas-tight sampler (IGT). The IGT was developed at WHOI to collect fluid…

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Inner Space

Inner Space

On a visit to WHOI in June to deliver his one-of-a-kind submersible, DEEPSEA CHALLENGER, film director and explorer James Cameron (center) had a chance to climb inside the newly minted…

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Follow the Whales

Follow the Whales

A sperm whale surfaces above the deep Kaikoura Canyon off the East Coast of New Zealand. WHOI biologist Michael Moore, director of the WHOI Marine Mammal Center, and graduate student…

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