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Close Quarters

Close Quarters

Rob Naugler from the US-AMS Corporation installs an accelerator column, part of the Tandetron system at the National Ocean Sciences Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (NOSAMS) facility at WHOI. Since its installation…

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Explorer and filmmaker James Cameron sits on top of DEEPSEA CHALLENGER, the submersible he designed and built to carry him to  the deepest spot in the ocean in 2012. One year…

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All Ears

All Ears

MIT-WHOI Joint Program graduate student Nicholas Macfarlane aims a directional VHF antenna from the highest point on a boat operated by CIRCE (Conservación, Información y Estudio sobre cetáceos) in the Strait…

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Back to the Deep

Back to the Deep

Scientists and crew recover Nereus, the hybrid remotely operated vehicle (HROV), in 2009 after it swam along a 110-kilometer (68-mile) ridge searching for signs of hydrothermal vents on the Mid-Cayman…

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Expanded View

Expanded View

A team from the WHOI Coastal Systems Group traveled to Newfoundland, Canada, in June to gather sediment cores from bays and marshes in the area. Their work is part of…

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A Current Affair

A Current Affair

WHOI engineer Jeff Pietro and Scott Worrilow, manager of the WHOI Sub-Surface Mooring Operations Group (left to right), recover a current meter in an experiment led by physical oceanographer Ruth…

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Deepest Ocean

Deepest Ocean

Ocean trenches, such as the Kermadec (shown here) near New Zealand, exist where one of Earth’s tectonic plates is sinking and sliding beneath another. This process, referred to as plate…

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A Fluid Science

A Fluid Science

WHOI scientists-emeriti Jack Whitehead and Stan Hart (left to right) conduct a lab experiment in geophysical fluid dynamics—the fundamental physics of oceans, rivers, magma, atmospheres, and other fluid media. Here…

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Maiden Voyage

Maiden Voyage

In 1930, the newly established Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution accepted a $175,000 bid by Burmeister & Wain Ltd., of Copenhagen to build the steel-hulled ketch Atlantis. In July 1931, Atlantis…

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Sun, Sea, and Sound

Sun, Sea, and Sound

Working from a small boat off Cape Cod in mid-July, guest student Aimee Boucher (Duke University) and MIT-WHOI Joint Program student Nicholas Macfarlane deploy an acoustic recording device at the…

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Preparing to Blow

Preparing to Blow

Mike Purdy (center) and Peter Mills watch as Jim Broda prepares NOBEL (Near Ocean Bottom Explosives Launcher) for testing on the WHOI pier, circa 1990. NOBEL was developed to undertake…

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Surface Fleet

Surface Fleet

Version 2 of the autonomous surface vehicle (ASV) “JetYak” went to New York City in June, as the original was headed to Greenland. Both vehicles perform preprogrammed missions that include…

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5 Questions about Sharks

WHOI biologist and senior scientist Simon Thorrold discusses sharks and why they are important to a healthy ocean. Originally published online January 1, 2013

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Mooring Master

Mooring Master

Few people know more about putting moorings into the ocean and getting them back than Scott Worrilow, who arrived at WHOI in 1978 and today is head of the Sub-Surface…

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ABE Animation

Maintaining a constant altitude and precision navigation, ABE is programmed to fly back and forth over the seafloor (which scientists call “mowing the lawn”), surveying the seafloor with sonar to…

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Creating New Ocean Crust

(Animation by Jack Cook, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution) By Jack Cook, Kristen M. Kusek :: Originally published online September 14, 2007

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Clearing the Waters

Clearing the Waters

WHOI chemist Phoebe Lam retrieves sediment core sample GGC-37, originally extracted by WHOI’s Lloyd Keigwin in 1991, from the Seafloor Samples Laboratory. Sediment cores present geological information and are obtained when scientists drill long…

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Dressed for Success

Dressed for Success

Students in the 2013 small boat safety class at WHOI pose in buoyant survival suits designed to keep them dry, warm, and afloat in the event of an accident at…

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New Chief

New Chief

Monica Hill relaxes for a moment before R/V Atlantis pulls away from the WHOI dock on May 25, on what would be Hill’s first cruise as Chief Engineer. The ship…

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Pilots of the Deep

Pilots of the Deep

Long-finned pilot whales roam in large pods with hundreds of individuals and cluster in smaller groups like this one, photographed in the Alboran Sea during a WHOI research expedition in…

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Fluid Dynamics

Fluid Dynamics

Many people consider the porch at Walsh Cottage at WHOI to be a sacred place. Each summer since 1959, some of the greatest oceanographers, physicists, and mathematicians have gathered here…

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Tagging Sharks

Tagging Sharks

To reveal the hidden lives of sharks, scientists like Simon Thorrold in the WHOI Fish Ecology Laboratory are using Pop-up Satellite Archival Transmitting tags. The tags attach to sharks, recording…

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Right on the tail of an 18-foot great white shark is a WHOI underwater robot called REMUS—making history as the first autonomous underwater vehicle to successfully track and film a…

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