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The Art of Welding

The Art of Welding

Geoff Ekblaw, lead welder in the WHOI mechanical shop, prepares to weld part of Alvin‘s titanium frame during the sub’s recent upgrade and re-building process. Light, strong, and corrosion-resistant, titanium…

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Deep-sea Diver

Deep-sea Diver

Throughout June 2013, a team of oceanographers and astrobiologists led by WHOI scientist Chris German will explore one of the deepest mid-ocean ridges, the Mid-Cayman Spreading Center beneath the Caribbean…

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Insights into Alvin

Insights into Alvin

WHOI engineer David Fisichella gives a student from the Perkins School for the Blind a tour of the submersible Alvin. Fisichella’s wife, Amy Bower, is a physical oceanographer at WHOI…

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Capture and Recovery

Capture and Recovery

Senior scientist Rob Olson (reaching) recovers an instrument attached to an orange float off the shore of Martha’s Vineyard. RV Mytilus operator Matthew Gould handles a line from scientific diver…

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Probing the Depths

Probing the Depths

In September 2012, WHOI engineers Ken Decoteau and Jeff Lord deployed a vertical microstructure profiler from RV Knorr. The instrument records water velocity, temperature, and salinity on sub-centimeter scale as…

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Lessons from Fukushima

Lessons from Fukushima

WHOI’s Redfield Auditorium overflowed with those who came to hear a panel of American and Japanese scientists discussing Japan’s Triple Disaster, the March 2010 earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear accident that…

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A Capitol Sub

A Capitol Sub

In March 2012, explorer and filmmaker James Cameron piloted his custom-designed and -built submersible DEEPSEA CHALLENGER to the deepest spot in the ocean—Challenger Deep in the Mariana Trench. He recently…

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Halo Below

Halo Below

A fog bow, caused by light refracted through small water droplets in fog, arcs below the Air-Sea Interaction Tower in Martha’s Vineyard Sound. The tower, a part of the Martha’s…

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Rescue Squad

Rescue Squad

The scientific research team led by senior scientist Dennis McGillicuddy and Raytheon Polar Services Corp. support staff pose on the pack ice in front of the R/V Nathaniel B. Palmer…

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Pressure Test

Pressure Test

More than 100 employees took part in various aspects of the two-year project to overhaul and upgrade the submersible Alvin. They included engineer Griffith Outlaw, seen here preparing a component…

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The Thinker

The Thinker

In May 2013, Alexi Shalapyonok, Rob Olson, and Matthew Gould (left to right) readied a tool called a FlowCytobot for deployment at the Martha’s Vineyard Coastal Observatory in Vineyard Sound.…

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Oceans of Protein

Oceans of Protein

WHOI marine chemist Mak Saito has adapted an approach used in biomedical research to study marine organisms: proteomics. He has developed new techniques to detect and measure the proteins that…

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World Ocean Day 2013

World Ocean Day 2013

Every year on June 8, we celebrate World Oceans Day, a day to reflect on the importance of the global ocean in daily life and in the life of our…

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Class of 2013

Class of 2013

On June 5, WHOI hosted a reception to honor the 2013 class of the MIT-WHOI Joint Program. Ten of the 32 graduates this year were able to attend: (back row,…

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A Big Lift

A Big Lift

Alvin Expedition Leader Bruce Strickrott has seen a few strange creatures at the bottom of the sea: octopi, tubeworms, Yeti crabs. He’s even had a newly discovered species of hagfish…

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Summer Resident

Summer Resident

Adélie penguins are one of the three brush-tail penguin species that live exclusively on and around Antarctica. Individuals return to the same breeding colony every year to mate and hatch…

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Heroes at Sea

Heroes at Sea

In November, 2011, while in the Mediterranean Sea on a Dive & Discover research mission, R/V Atlantis rescued 93 men from a foundering fishing boat. The ship’s crew and ROV…

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Science in Bloom

Science in Bloom

The Synergy Project paired scientists and artists to create science-inspired works of art. WHOI biologist Elizabeth Halliday (right) collaborated with Janine Wong, a graphic designer and book artist, to create…

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Whale Calls

Whale Calls

Biologist Mark Baumgartner recovers a robotic glider equipped with a WHOI-developed digital acoustic monitoring (DMON) instrument after it found several endangered North Atlantic right whales in the Gulf of Maine. Baumgartner wrote the…

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1000 Dives Young

1000 Dives Young

In January 1980, the WHOI-operated submersible Alvin made its 1,000th dive to the seafloor during an expedition to the Galapagos Rift. To keep the submersible in prime condition, Alvin recently completed a…

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Two for Sea

Two for Sea

On Saturday, May 25, R/V Atlantis left Woods Hole for the Panama Canal and Astoria, Oregon, carrying the newly overhauled and upgraded submersible Alvin and accompanied by WHOI’s coastal research…

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Foam Meets Sphere

Foam Meets Sphere

During the recent upgrade of the submersible Alvin, Bob McCabe (left) and Rod Catanach (center) carefully lowered a custom-built piece of syntactic foam onto the sub’s personnel sphere while Alvin Expedition…

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